
The typical minesweeper game. Built with Rails, VueJS and a few cups of coffee.

Design & ideas

The game is controlled by 2 main services: GameService::Game and GameService::Cell in the backend. These two are responsible for checking the game logic, so it's difficult to cheat, and multiple clients can be added.

Note: performance is not the best, maybe the persistence layer of the game is too much for what's needed. I'm sure it can be improved.

Element.io was added for frontend components.


  • clone the repo
  • bundle install
  • rails db:create db:migrate



A working demo is found here: https://pakerimus-minesweeper.herokuapp.com/


Test suite is in rspec

rspec spec/

API documentation

Can be found in here: https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis/pakerimus/minesweeper/1.0.0