
Wumbo Technologies Frontend ReactJS Exam

Frontend ReactJS Exam:

Create and deploy a project with the following requirements:

Create a React application that allows end-user search GitHub users by username;

  • Display search result (username + avatar)
  • When click on a search result -> display user's repositories (name + description + stars number + issues number).
  • When click on a repository -> display top 10 latest commits (author + commit message + commit ID).
  • When clicking on a commit -> open a new tab to view commit on github.com

Retrieving data

Please view GitHub API at https://developer.github.com/v3/search/


Up to you

Bootstrapping the project

Up to you

Submitting the solution

Send us your repo URL on GitHub.

Bonus (don't need to be in the below specific order)

  • Use ES6 syntax.
  • Adding a spinner when information is loading
  • Deal with errors coming from the backend
  • Some sort of Unit Test (optional)
  • Having a nice UI using a components library.
  • Divide the application into different pages and use a router
  • Adding state management
  • Show common tools used for your daily development environment (linters, code formatter, git workflow, docker and so on)
  • Deploy the project somewhere like Heroku.