
The objective is to build an application that shows a list of bookings and corresponding booking details.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


The objective is to build an application that shows a list of bookings and corresponding booking details.

The following screens shows a list of bookings and booking detail screens. Your task is to develop a similar screen on iOS(swift 4.0) or Android(Java or Kotlin) platform, whichever you are more familiar with.

  • Show a list of bookings. Grouped bookings are shown in a list with only start/end time information.

  • Tap on any of the bookings to show a booking detail screen.

  • In the booking detail screen ,show a booking details view.


  • The detailed style(colors/fonts/icons etc) is not assessed . But please follow the given UI layout as closely as possible.

  • Use the given json files as your local data source

  • Avoid using 3rd party libraries unless absolutely necessary.

  • There is no time limit for this challenge. Please think about how easy your code will be to maintain and extend. Try to write what you consider to be production-quality code, with the comments and tests you consider necessary.

  • The user interface should not be blocked while importing data.

  • Cope with different screen sizes


You should submit the following for review:

  • A compressed file contains this whole project

  • Or a link to the github page of this exercise project


Software Architecture:

Model–view–viewmodel (MVVM)

  • Model : All the model Classes (eg: VehicleBookings, Vehicle, Pod)
  • ViewModel : VehicleBookingViewModel use to get VehicleBookings, Vehicle and Pod data.
  • LogicController : All the viewcontoller logic written in logic controller
  • Views: All ViewControllers

All modules are separated so it can be resuable.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
