WELCOME to CassandraUnit
Everything is in the wiki : https://github.com/jsevellec/cassandra-unit/wiki
What is it?
Like over *Unit project, CassandraUnit is a Java utility test tool. It helps you create your Java Application with Cassandra Database backend. CassandraUnit is for Cassandra what DBUnit is for Relational Database.
CassandraUnit helps you writing isolated Junit Test in a Test Driven Development style.
Main features :
- Start an embedded Cassandra.
- Create structure (keyspace and Column family's) and load Data from an XML, JSON or YAML DataSet.
Where to start :
You can start by reading the wiki : https://github.com/jsevellec/cassandra-unit/wiki
and you can watch cassandra-unit-examples project. https://github.com/jsevellec/cassandra-unit-examples
Mailing List :
cassandra-unit-users@googlegroups.com (http://groups.google.com/group/cassandra-unit-users)
License :
This project is licensed under LGPL V3.0 : http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html