
The complete Jekyll source for the GNU ARM Eclipse web

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The GNU ARM Eclipse Web Site source


This GitHub project, available from gnuarmeclipse/gnuarmeclipse.github.io-source, contains the source files used to generate the GNU ARM Eclipse Web Site.

Destination URL

The GNU ARM Eclipse Web Site is an organisation GitHub Pages site, stored in the gnuarmeclipse/gnuarmeclipse.github.io Git and publicly available from http://gnuarmeclipse.github.io.


The web site is generated off-line by Jekyll. It cannot be generated by GitHub Pages because it uses Jekyll plug-ins, considered unsafe and disabled by the GitHub Pages instance of Jekyll.


To be able to run the Jekyll build process, the ruby interpreter and the gem tool are required. In OS X 10.10.5, these tools are preinstalled, at least when the Developer Command Line tools are present.

$ ruby --version
ruby 2.0.0p481 (2014-05-08 revision 45883) [universal.x86_64-darwin14]
$ gem --version
$ sudo gem install jekyll
$ jekyll --version
jekyll 2.5.3

In addition, the several specific gems are required:

$ sudo gem install redcarpet jekyll-mentions jemoji jekyll-redirect-from jekyll-feed jekyll-sitemap jekyll-last-modified-at

Clone Git

To manage the web site, a local copy of this repository is required.

$ git clone https://github.com/gnuarmeclipse/gnuarmeclipse.github.io-source.git gnuarmeclipse.github.io-source.git


The current development cycle is edit-save-build-view.

The build can be performed automatically by Jekyll when started in server mode.

$ cd gnuarmeclipse.github.io-source.git
$ jekyll serve --baseurl "" --trace

To view the result, point the browser to localhost:4000.


The build result is in the _site folder.

This folder is configured as a submodule, linked to the gnuarmeclipse.github.io project.

To publish, just commit this Git and the new site will be automatically updated.

Folder structure


All blog posts are in the _posts folder, with specific pages in qemu, openocd and windows-build-tools.


All web pages are in the pages folder, with specific pages in qemu, openocd and windows-build-tools.


To maintain sitelink.xml usefulness, while maintaining pages and posts, it is necessary to keep this variable up-to-date.


As per _config.yml, the default timezone is UTC. For other timezones, set it explicitly as offset (for example +0300)