
A ruby library for okcoin.com

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Okcoin API Ruby Wrapper

Unofficial ruby library for Okcoin Bitcoin Exchange

If you feel it's helpful and would like to donate, send coins to

BTC 15y2a3FKLW89qoDniDMRwsdhrZeHJA1Det


Add these gems into your Gemfile:

gem 'okcoin-ruby', '~> 0.0.5'
gem 'celluloid-websocket-client',  :github => 'ilyacherevkov/celluloid-websocket-client'

And then execute:

$ bundle install


1. REST Example

Initialize client

okcoin = Okcoin::Rest.new api_key: ENV['OKCOIN_APIKEY'], secret_key: ENV['OKCOIN_SECRET']

Make requests

See OKCoin REST API reference

Spot Price

okcoin.spot_ticker(pair: "btc_usd")
okcoin.spot_orderbook(pair: "btc_usd", items_no: 50, merge: 0)
okcoin.spot_trades(pair: "btc_usd", since: nil)
okcoin.spot_kandlestick(pair: "btc_usd", type: "30min", size: 50, since: nil)
okcoin.spot_swaps_orderbook(pair: "btc_usd")

Spot Trade

okcoin.spot_trade(pair: "btc_usd", type: "buy", price:240, amount:1)
# max 5 orders in spot_batch_trade per request
okcoin.batch_spot_trade(pair: "btc_usd", type: "buy", orders_data: [{price:3,amount:5,type:'sell'},{price:3,amount:3,type:'buy'},{price:3,amount:3}])
# max 3 order_ids in spot_cancel per request 
okcoin.spot_cancel(pair: "btc_usd", order_id: "1234, 2345, 3456")
# -1 returns all unfilled orders, otherwise return the order specified
okcoin.spot_order_info(pair: "btc_usd", order_id: -1)
# max 50 orders per request
spot_orders_info(pair: "btc_usd", type: 0, order_id: "12345, 2345, 3456")

Futures Price

okcoin.futures_orderbook(pair: "btc_usd", contract_type: "this_week", items_no: 50, merge: 0)
okcoin.futures_trades(pair: "btc_usd", contract_type: "this_week")
okcoin.futures_index(pair: "btc_usd")
okcoin.futures_estimated_price(pair: "btc_usd")
okcoin.futures_trades_history(pair: "btc_usd", date: nil, since: nil)
okcoin.futures_kandlestick(pair: "btc_usd", type: "30min", contract_type: "this_week", size: 50, since: nil)
okcoin.futures_hold_amount(pair: "btc_usd", contract_type: "this_week")
okcoin.futures_explosive(pair: "btc_usd", contract_type: "this_week", status: 0, current_page: nil, page_length: nil)

Futures Trade

okcoin.futures_trade(pair: "btc_usd", amount: 1, type: 1, contract_type: "this_week", match_price: 1, price: nil, lever_rate: 10)
okcoin.futures_cancel(pair: "btc_usd", contract_type: "this_week", order_id: 12345)
okcoin.futures_order_info(order_id: 12345, symbol: "btc_usd", contract_type: "this_week", status: nil, current_page: nil, page_length: nil)
okcoin.futures_position(pair: "btc_usd", contract_type: "this_week")

2. WebSocket Example

See OKCoin WebSocket API reference

  okcoin = Okcoin::WS.new api_key: ENV['OKCOIN_APIKEY'], secret_key: ENV['OKCOIN_SECRET']
  while true; sleep 1; end


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/[my-github-username]/okcoin-rest-ruby/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request