
A stand-alone authorization API created with Node, Express, Mongoose, MondoDB, and React

Primary LanguageCSS

Auth-A-Rama Centra.

A stand-alone authorization API created with Node, Express, Mongoose, MondoDB, JWT, and React

Installation & Configuration

Steps to install all the dependencies and bring this api up using docker

Install Dependencies

  1. Install all the npm dependencies by running npm install in the /api and /frontend directories


  1. in the root of /api a file named variables.env should be created. there is a variables.env.sample file. Below is an example of a working config for this file. Create a variables.env file in /api

Running the Microservice

  1. ensure all of the installation steps were completed
  2. from /docker/aarc_dev run docker-compose build
  3. after build runs, run docker-compose up

Token validation

Create a user

Users may be created using the API directly:

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST --data '{"email": "someuser@myfakeemail.com", "firstName": "Some", "lastName": "User", "password":"foobar", "password_confirm":"foobar", "roles":["member"], "demographics":{"name":"Some User", "gender":"male"}}' http://stage.paladinarcher.com:8888/api/v1/register

Alternatively, registration can be done by using the GUI at http://stage.developerlevel.com:8000/#/register

Obtain a token

Tokens must be obtained by using the /login endpoint. The authentication token is returned by a successful login attempt. This can be accomplished via API, as shown in the following example. Note, if the login is successful, the token is returned in the JSON response from the API:

$ curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST --data '{"email": "someuser@myfakeemail.com", "password": "foobar"}' http://stage.paladinarcher.com:8888/api/v1/login


Alternatively, a login can be done by using the GUI at http://stage.developerlevel.com:8000/. When using the GUI, the token is stored in Local Storage, which can be viewed in the browser's developer tools. It is stored in a property called aarcToken. Note, local storage properties and values are only accessible to pages originating from the same domain and port, which in this example are stage.paladinarcher.com and 8888 respectively.

Token validation

To validate a token, the API can be used as shown in the following example.

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request GET --data '{"token":"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VySWQiOiI1YzNmZjE1Y2JlMDMzNzAwMGZiNGNlMzIiLCJ0b2tlblRpbWVvdXQiOjE1ODEwNDI5NjcxNTgsImlhdCI6MTU0OTUwNjk2NywiZXhwIjozMTMwNTQ5OTM0fQ.1nwPqTtLGKbcpZJICNnNa5yCVLCTsMHSvyHI7TW5bqI"}' http://stage.paladinarcher.com:8888/api/v1/user/someuser@myfakeemail.com

If the validation is successful, the following JSON will be returned:

{"status":200,"message":"Success","data":{"name":"Some User","gender":"male","email":"someuser@myfakeemail.com"}}

If the validation is unsuccessful, the following JSON responses are possible:

{"status":400,"message":"Token verification failed"}

{"message":"Page not found","status":404}