
Azure Function Webhook that generates release notes

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Release Notes Generator

Tool for generating a release notes document for projects hosted on GitHub.

Deploy to Azure

What's It Do?

The generator is a function app containing a GitHub webhook function that creates a Markdown file whenever a new release is created, using Azure Blob Storage.

What do I need to make one?

You'll need an Azure account, and a GitHub account with an active repository.

How do I make one?

If you'd like to build it from scratch,follow this tutorial.

Filling out the deploy settings:

To replicate the services used on your Azure subscription, click the "Deploy to Azure" button above and fill out the relevant configuration settings.

Storage Account Connection String You'll need a storage account with a blob container called releases. Follow the first two sections of the following walkthrough on how to create a container. In the storage account menu, navigate to Access keys and copy the connection string for this field.

GitHub App Name Create an OAuth App on Github. Paste the App name into this field.

Resources on services used