There are many powerful viruses 💀 that can damage your PC in a matter of seconds. Batch file virus to gain full access to another computer. This repo is a collection of fun little viruses that pack a mean punch!
- ahmeddwalidEarth
- akkaintorvik
- Alex9-cyber
- Arbrih
- CPScript@OrbitingSoftware | Orbiting Software
- DoomD1
- Duplinator
- farazpatwegarPune
- generalseth666
- Horlaliii
- Hubqo
- HydraDragonAntivirusHydra Dragon AV
- Integra-L
- kitty-a
- LinhSus
- Maantje92
- MarcZX100
- mccruz1
- MechanicEnigma8
- nahkerTzars Industrial Solutions
- phanhungphatVietNam
- rashafathimaUndiscovered Space Station(USS)
- rbszgdygs
- skibidiloverLOL
- snooptsz
- Subhameva1029E++
- swagkarna
- unknownuser13
- Weed8921chidex enterprise
- Whirwan78Empire Global Ventures LLc & LTC Global Empire
- z0r-run