This project is a part of my participation in Microsoft Engage Mentorship Program 2021. I've implemented Microsoft Teams Clone application. You can check out the project using Website Link.
Project's desgin document
Project's timeline
- Provides user authentication
- Allows two participants to have a video call
- Allows two participants to chat with each other(before, during and after a video call)
- Allows participants to keep discussion related to different topics seperate by creating meetings
- React, redux, typescript for frontend
- Node js, simple peer,, redis for server side
- Firebase for authentication and user data storage
This was a month-long project. And for a project like this, planning is a necessary part. The way I managed to keep a check on my progress was by creating regular GitHub issues and pull requests. I configured continuous integration and continuous deployment for my application so whenever a pull request was made to main branch, the automatic deployment is triggered for my react app on netlify and server at heroku. So in this way I was able to build my complete application by integrating small functional components over time.
- The application allows only one session per user, so if you try to open multiple sessions for same user, the application will close all your sessions(except the very first one) with an active session error message.
In this case try refreshing your application and ask your friend to do the same for sometime. When you try again, you should be good to go. If the issue still persists, then consider raising a github issue for this problem.
Why seeing this message?
- You might be trying to access the Application in multiple tabs in the same browser. Please make sure there's only one instance of application opened per browser.
- You might be trying to access the Application in multiple browsers/devices using same google account. Please make sure to use two different accounts to access the application. As per the intended functionality each user is restricted to only one active session at a time.
- If you want to access the application using multiple google accounts then please make sure to either use two different browsers or different devices to run the application.
Seems like a mistake?
- Try refreshing the application some times.
This is an intended feature. The reason for restricting users to single session is to properly handle video call feature in the application. Every session is assigned a socketID. This socketID is necessary for letting two participants have a video call. Multiple active session implies, multiple socketIDs is associated with that particular user. One way of handling multiple active session is by having some way of keeping a record of active socketID and a way of finding out which socketID is the participant using for establishing peer to peer connection(helps in videocalling). The other way(which I have used) is to restrict the participant with only one active sessions at a moment. Hence my application just allows one active session per user at any point in time.
You are using Redis Locks to lock user session. How do you make sure that users don't get trap in a state when their session is locked but they don't have any active session i.e they see the "You already have an active session" error for eternity?
The way I have managed to avoid a scenario like this is by setting expiration of each lock to be 30 seconds. So after 30 seconds, the lock is renewed. That is we lock the user session again after 30 seconds. The reason of choosing 30 seconds is because Socket.IO has a default ping of 25 seconds, that is, every 25 seconds it will probe connected users to see if they are still connected. We use this for renewing the locks. This ensures that the user are not trapped in the state when they see the "You already have an active session" error for eternity. For more information consider reading this article-Enforcing a Single Web Socket Connection per User with Node.js, Socket.IO, and Redis
This could occur for couple of reasons-
- Your friend hasn't switched on their camera
- Your friend's system might not have proper hardware devices support for streaming video/audio or they might have denied the permission to access their camera/microphone.
There can be many reasons as to why you might be facing such an issue. But generally refreshing the application or trying the application from different devices do the trick.
More suggestions and improvements are welcomed.