👨‍💻Online 💪Fitness And 🥗Nutrition : In todays stressful life people are suffering from obesity problems due to irregular diets, stress, work preasure and junk foods.Develop a right solution for Online Fitness & Nutrition Service.The solution should provide the right diet plan, work out plan and healthy recipes for people who are suffering from obesity.

                  Functionality :    * User can login, logout and create an account using username and password.
                                     * User can calculate their BMI and find if they are lean, healthy or overweight.
                                     * Diet plans, workout plans and healthy recipes for people who are underweight
                                       and overweight. 

                Technology Used :    > Java
                                     > Spring Boot
                                     > HTML5
                                     > CSS
                                     > JavaScript
                                     > MySql Database
                     IDE        :    o Spring Tool Suite
                    Server      :    o Apache Tomcat