buddy pipeline



Clone the repo

Download the repo if you didn't do it before by cloning it like:

git clone https://github.com/palancana/jani-portfolio.git

And run cd jani-portfolio to enter into the cloned repo folder.

Install dependencies

While the source code is now downloaded, all the small packages that the code needs are not downloaded nor installed. This makes the code easier to download. To install all these packages (dependencies) run:

npm install which is the same as npm i

Launch a live example with hot reload

If you run ng serve an example of the webpage will run on a localhost port. It should be http://localhost:4200, you will see the URL once you launch the command.

After this, just open your favorite code editor and open the project folder. Make changes. When you save your changes, the webpage will automagically update!

What to change

Inside the src/app folder, there is the components and pages folder. Inside them there are each page or component with a name and inside it 4 files: two JS, one HTML and one CSS. Forget about JS and focus on the other two.

The pages folders with project names are the ones that you can edit.

Upload the changes

Create a new branch git checkout -b feature/name-your-branch-here-with-something-meaningful Commit and push your changes when you've done something remarkable. Try not to make only one commit.

git add .
git commit -m "Message with what you've done"
git push

The first time you do a push in a new branch it will tell you something like: untracked changes on remote, run git -set-upstream-branch bla bla bla... Do that and... voilĂ .

You can also do this steps following your guide using Atom.