Getting Started

Install all dependencies

npm install
# node might be latest stable 

First, run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev

Quiz Implementation with Next.js and TypeScript


I've been considering various approaches. I explored and the final choices made for implementation.

Considered Approaches

  1. Context API + Lazy Loading:

    • Utilize React Context API for state management.
    • Implement lazy loading for rendering components step by step.
    • Pros: Centralized state management.
    • Cons: Increased complexity; may not scale well.
  2. Dynamic Route with Next.js + PPR (Partial Page Rendering):

    • Use dynamic routes in Next.js for each quiz step.
    • Implement PPR for rendering only the necessary components.
    • Pros: Simplicity in routing.
    • Cons: PPR limitations; potential performance issues, hydration not-stable.
  3. Local Storage + React Hook Form + Zod Validation:

    • Leverage local storage for persisting user answers.
    • Use React Hook Form for form management and validation.
    • Integrate Zod for schema-based validation.
    • Implement server actions, optimistic updates, and PPR for an ideal user experience.
    • Pros: Robust form management and validation; ideal scenario.
    • Cons: Time-consuming; requires extensive implementation.

Chosen Solution

Local Storage + Dynamic Import + SSG (Static Site Generation) for Slug Quiz + Tailwind + UI Components from

  • Utilize local storage for persisting user answers across steps.
  • Scalable in case we would like to keep progress between tabs.
  • Implement dynamic imports for lazy loading individual quiz steps.
  • Use SSG for generating static pages based on quiz slugs.
  • Employ Tailwind for a simple and responsive UI.
  • Integrate UI components from for design consistency.
  • Pros: Efficient state management; optimal performance; clean and responsive UI.
  • Cons: Limited dynamic updates between steps.

Code Organization and Improvements

During the development process, there was a focus on improving code organization and unifying helper methods. Some aspects, such as centralizing state management and refining helper functions, were not fully realized due to time constraints during the 4-5 hour development session.


The chosen approach combines the benefits of local storage for state persistence, dynamic imports for lazy loading, SSG for optimal performance, and Tailwind for a clean UI. While some improvements could be made in code organization and structure, the final implementation provides a solid foundation for a quiz wizard in a NextJS

Deployed on Vercel