Behaviour aims to satisfy RFC 004: Consistent wire-format test cases, but there are a few differences.
This project has two main components:
- a verification server, is a reference server used to test Conjure client generators and libraries.
- a verification client, is used to test Conjure server generators and libraries.
- Install rustup using instructions on
- Set up rustup to use the stable toolchain by default (note: nightly's cargofmt output will be different)
rustup default stable
- Create an ssh key if you don't have one, and add it to github
- make sure the key is added to the ssh-agent, so that cargo can login to github, in order to access the palantir repository index
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
- Install the rust plugin for the IDE of your choice
- To support formatting via rustfmt, install the component
rustup component add rustfmt-preview
This project is made available under the Apache 2.0 License.