A set of Gradle plugins that configure default code quality tools for developers.
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I encountered an issue while trying to update the spot plugin from 6.25.0 to 7.0.2
#3002 opened by ZiySir - 0
String#replace(char, char) suggestion
#2991 opened by ash211 - 3
Issue with JDK22 multi-version JARs
#2967 opened by Fokko - 2
Stream optimization checks
#2955 opened by schlosna - 4
Bump Java libraryTarget from 11 -> 17
#2930 opened by ash211 - 0
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baseline-java-versions imcompatible with Gradle 8.6
#2713 opened by pkoenig10 - 0
Slow compilation for large pattern matching switch
#2850 opened by kevinychen - 0
Old version of spotless java creating compilation issues
#2828 opened by daberkow - 0
bug in StringBuilderConstantParameters fixer
#2812 opened by nakulj - 0
Add error prone check when accessors are called in record compact constructor
#2796 opened by pkoenig10 - 2
[IllegalSafeLoggingArgument] Prevent subclasses from overriding methods to be less safe
#2668 opened by ash211 - 0
Create writeClasspathUniquenessLock task that can be used instead of --write-locks
#2740 opened by ash211 - 1
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baseline-java-verions library detection does not work with the external publish plugin
#2714 opened by pkoenig10 - 1
Support gradle 8
#2499 opened by robert3005 - 1
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format task without copyright
#2658 opened by koppor - 0
FR: Prefer InputStream.transferTo(OutputStream)
#2615 opened by schlosna - 2
gradle-baseline recommends "Save Actions" plugin which is incompatible with IntelliJ 2023.1
#2545 opened by ash211 - 1 - usage section description error
#2597 opened by atai - 0
format-gradle excavator is failing on an internal repo
#2561 opened by ash211 - 0
CardinalityEqualsZero fails on equals
#2543 opened by schlosna - 0
Stale Jars when Updating 'moduleJvmArgs' Stanza
#2476 opened by bmarcaur - 3
Enable checkstyle rule: ConstantName
#2455 opened by ash211 - 1
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Cannot find com.palantir.baseline-format plugin in gradle plugin repo, is that expected??
#2440 opened by Henrye28 - 2
ConcurrentModificationException from BaselineNullAway when running ./gradlew classes
#2413 opened by ash211 - 0
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Migrate gradle-baseline-java plugin definitions from META-INF to gradlePlugin dsl
#2384 opened by carterkozak - 0
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Confusing attempted safety check with XX_PREVIEW
#2340 opened by j-baker - 1
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Relying on just Maven Central, project not compatible with latest `maven-compiler-plugin`
#2362 opened by Stephan202 - 0
`StrictUnusedVariable` check should suggest removing variables assigned in constructor but never read
#2361 opened by IlanaRadinsky - 6
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baseline-idea: Gradle IntelliJ integration results in infinite growth of .idea/checkstyle.xml file
#2323 opened by iamdanfox - 0
Prefer ImmutableSet.of() instead of Set.of() in some cases
#2318 opened by a-k-g - 0
Enable ReturnMissingNullable
#2306 opened by gatesn - 0
Java Versions plugin doesn't support KotlinCompile
#2274 opened by mglazer - 0
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VarUsage does not appear to log the line number the bad var usage is found on
#2243 opened by j-baker - 0
[proposal] Ensure broadest interface
#2206 opened by gatesn - 1
Baseline should validate jqwik implementation is present when the runner is used
#2098 opened by carterkozak - 2
DangerousIdentityKey should not fire on Map<Class<?>, ?>
#2041 opened by jdm2212 - 0
Zero warm-up Guava RateLimiter
#1946 opened by kristofarkas - 1
compileJava error on JDK 17 due to `java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/tools/javac/util/Filter`
#1926 opened by haisi - 2
Enabling custom configuration plugin
#1928 opened by Jarvvski