:orange_book: Lint rules related to React & JSX for TSLint.
Pinned issues
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Roadmap: tslint-react -> eslint-plugin-react
#210 opened by adidahiya - 2
jsx-no-multiline-js: allow multiline block comments
#207 opened by c1aphas - 3
JSX in switch/case statement
#170 opened - 3
- 1
jsx-curly-spacing accepted formats
#249 opened by OoDeLally - 1
Missing LICENSE file in npm package
#248 opened by MartisiusL - 2
New rule suggestion: no-spaces-in-singleline
#188 opened by vjsingh - 6
New rule suggestion: no-access-state-in-setstate
#172 opened by zerkms - 3
Automatically ignore null keyword usage within getDerivedStateFromProps method
#244 opened by SaeedZhiany - 15
Add linting for React Hooks
#186 opened by kristianmandrup - 1
- 3
New rule suggestion: no-singleton-divs
#148 opened by pelotom - 2
Require state initialization
#152 opened by alecmev - 1
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#166 opened by andy9775 - 1
Unnecessary member-variable-declaration expected for 'state' and 'defaultProps'
#174 opened by inomdzhon - 1
jsx-alignment: Option to allow / disallow newline before closing html bracket
#175 opened by cromefire - 2
New Rule Suggestion: no-array-index-key
#184 opened by Shobhit1 - 2
New rule suggestion: jsx-sort-comp
#183 opened by tenorok - 1
Promote React.createRef instead of callback refs
#180 opened by cheeZery - 1
Could not find custom rule directory: codelyzer
#177 opened by tlaak - 1
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React must be in scope in tsx file
#193 opened by JasonZough - 3
Pull in rules from tslint-microsoft-contrib
#202 opened by JoshuaKGoldberg - 3
#209 opened by cyberhck - 1
Why jsx-alignment do not includes automatic code fix?
#197 opened by shubich - 1
Allow/disallow curly braces for string literal attributes (enforce double/single quotes only)
#246 opened by spradlin-dev - 2
jsx-wrap-multiline does not check nested JSX
#205 opened by dagerikhl - 1
loop in js-wrap-multilines
#185 opened by liajoy - 5
jsx-no-bind bug?
#201 opened by ksrb - 2
jsx-wrap-multiline issue with trailing-comma
#214 opened by SimonSchick - 2
New rule: jsx-curly-brace-presence
#149 opened by Patrik-Lundqvist - 1
Cannot set "jsx-boolean-value" to 'never' ?
#203 opened by murbanowicz - 1
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Please update tsutils to ^2.27.2
#171 opened by JoshuaKGoldberg - 0
bug jsx key misses this check
#187 opened by jasongornall - 2
Migrate to eslint-plugin-react
#208 opened by VincentLanglet - 1
New rule suggestion: jsx-singleline-no-parens
#206 opened by dagerikhl - 1
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Feature request: pair ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode with ReactDOM.render calls.
#195 opened by lijunle - 1
[Suggestion] New rule: jsx-no-literal-object
#191 opened by jeanbenitez - 5
New Rule: No used props
#151 opened by bluerface - 4
Whats rule for indents?
#173 opened by js2me - 3
Rule suggestion: no unused props
#150 opened by OliverJAsh - 2
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Prettier quotemark
#160 opened by Kronuz - 1
TS9999 ":}" or ":{" expected
#162 opened by avernikoz - 1
Add automatic fix for jsx-boolean-value
#153 opened by Ryan1729