
Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


A tool to automate front-end development tasks and streamline prototyping.


  • NodeJS
    1. If you are running Butler on your local machine, you can install using Homebrew: brew install node
    2. If you are running Butler on a Vagrant, our default VM comes with node installed.
  • Sculpin
    1. Butler expects Sculpin to be included in your project using composer. Make sure you've run composer install in your project before running Butler.
    2. If you would like to use globally-installed Sculpin instead: first, follow Sculpin's installation guide; then configure Butler to use it by setting defaults.sculpin_run = 'sculpin'; in your project's conf/butler.defaults.js file.

Add Butler to a project, with Spress

  1. Log in to your vagrant environment and navigate to your project. You should always run npm commands from within your Vagrant:
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /var/www/myproject.local
  1. Create a styleguide directory in your project:
mkdir styleguide
  1. You'll install the styleguide dependencies and run Butler from the styleguide directory. Go there now:
cd styleguide
  1. Tell npm to create your package.json file:
npm init
  1. Add Butler as a dependency:
npm install --save --save-exact palantirnet/butler
  • Butler will prompt you for the git repository URL; respondez-vous
  • Butler will ask you whether you're using Spress; say y
  1. Add Butler's scripts to your package.json file:
  "scripts": {
    "butler": "node_modules/butler/node_modules/.bin/gulp --gulpfile node_modules/butler/Gulpfile.js",
    "develop": "node_modules/butler/node_modules/.bin/gulp --gulpfile node_modules/butler/Gulpfile.js develop",
    "tests": "node_modules/butler/node_modules/.bin/gulp --gulpfile node_modules/butler/Gulpfile.js test",
    "deploy": "node_modules/butler/node_modules/.bin/gulp --gulpfile node_modules/butler/Gulpfile.js spress-deploy"
  1. Now make sure your Butler runs:
npm run butler
  1. Verify that the styleguide is running; it can be found on port 4000:
  1. Finally, add the styleguide to your project:
git add .
git commit -m "Initialize the styleguide."
  1. Add the GitHub Pages URL for deployment Update the config_github.yml to define the GitHub Pages site URL so that you can deploy to GitHub Pages.
# Site configuration

url: 'https://palantirnet.github.io/[myproject]'
  1. Deploy to GitHub Pages After running deploy, you should see the gh-pages branch has been updated. And you should be able to access the Living Styleguide at https://palantirnet.github.io/[myproject]
npm run deploy

Add Butler to a project, with sculpin

  1. If the project does not already have npm dependencies, run npm init to create a package.json file
  2. Add Butler as a dependency: npm install --save --save-exact palantirnet/butler

When Butler is first installed, it will ask for the location of your project's GitHub repository. Please provide the HTTPS link for the project repository, e.g. https://github.com/palantirnet/[project].git; Butler will use this information to deploy the styleguide.

Butler will store this information in a project-specific configuration file at conf/butler.defaults.js.

  1. Copy the STYLEGUIDE_TEMPLATE to your project's root directory and rename it styleguide. This name is required.
  2. Add the following code to your project's package.json:
  "scripts": {
    "butler": "node_modules/butler/node_modules/.bin/gulp --gulpfile node_modules/butler/Gulpfile.js",
    "develop": "node_modules/butler/node_modules/.bin/gulp --gulpfile node_modules/butler/Gulpfile.js develop",
    "tests": "node_modules/butler/node_modules/.bin/gulp --gulpfile node_modules/butler/Gulpfile.js test",
    "deploy": "node_modules/butler/node_modules/.bin/gulp --gulpfile node_modules/butler/Gulpfile.js sculpin-deploy"
  1. Add the node_modules directory to your project's .gitignore
  2. Commit Butler's changes to your project:
  • .gitignore
  • conf/butler.defaults.js
  • package.json
  • styleguide/
  1. When you're ready to start working on code, run npm run butler
  2. The styleguide can be found on port 8000:
  • http://[project].local:8000 if you're running Butler on a Vagrant
  • http://localhost:8000 if you're developing locally

What does this Butler do?

  • npm run butler

    This is the default task. This will watch your sass/sculpin files for changes and compile/build accordingly. It will also flag any sass linting errors before compiling. It will output CSS that has been been minified and optimized.

  • npm run butler -- sass

    Just compile the sass. You can also use this syntax to run any task from the Gulpfile.

  • npm run tests

    This is the testing task it will run linters as their own tasks. To learn more about configuring and customizing the linters for Butler check the linters documentation.

    This task also checks for WCAG 2.0AA compliance using the gulp-accessibility plugin.

  • npm run deploy

    This is a task to deploy the static styleguide to GitHub pages.

    Butler will build a Sculpin production artifact to and deploy the production artifact to gh-pages branch of the repo defined in the conf/butler.defaults.js.

    For Spress, you will need to update the config_github.yml to define the GitHub Pages site URL so that you can deploy to GitHub Pages.

# Site configuration

url: 'https://palantirnet.github.io/[myproject]'

For Sculpin, create a sculpin_site_prod.yml.

You can find out more information about environment aware configuration for Sculpin here and the configuration for Spress here.

Note: When you are deploying, Butler will ask you for your GitHub credentials at least once, possibly multiple times. Enter your own GitHub credentials as prompted.

Writing Javascript

If you need to write some Javascript, follow the instructions at /docs/JS.md to properly set up your scripts. This will allow for Javascript to be shared between the styleguide and Drupal.


If Butler seems to be timing out on

    Command failed: /bin/sh -c ../../vendor/bin/spress site:build --server --source=../../

Try deleting the build directory in the styleguide and running npm run butler again.

For immediate concerns, if you have comments/questions/concerns about working with this please talk to Lauren.

To file bug or feature requests, please use the GitHub issue queue for this repository. You can see more about our Issue Guidelines in the contributing documentation.