This is a simple age detector made with Teachable Machine. It scans faces using a webcam and identifies whether a person is an adult or a minor and puts a bounding box around their faces that shows this information.
To understand the making of this project and its usage, please refer to this PDF and this presentation.
Please use Python 3.9.6 or things might not work.
git clone
cd AgeDetector
py -m venv venv
pip install -r requirements.txt
py src/
usage: [-h] [-m path] [-l path] [-c id] [-s scaling-factor] [-d ms] [--language ISO-code]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m path, --model path
The path to the h5 model. (default: models/model.h5)
-l path, --label path
The path to the labels file. (default: models/labels.txt)
-c id, --camera id The number of the webcam to use. (default: 0)
-s scaling-factor, --scan-scaling scaling-factor
The scaling factor to use while scanning faces. A smaller number means faster detection but
lower accuracy and vice versa. (default: 0.25)
-d ms, --scan-delay ms
The amount of time to delay between each scan. (default: 0)
--language ISO-code The language of the warning voice. (default: en)
- Esc: Quit the application.
- B: Brighten the image.
- D: Darken the image.