
Platform for Doctor-Patient

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

Getting Started

The easiest way to get started is to clone the repository:

# Get the latest snapshot
git clone https://github.com/palash-kulkarni/medibook.git

# Change directory
cd medibook

# Install NPM dependencies
npm install

# Then simply start your app
node app.js

You can use Nodemon : It watches for any changes in your node.js app and automatically restarts the server. Once installed, instead if node app.js use nodemon app.js. It will save a lot of time in the long run, because you won't need to manually restart the server each time you make a small change in code. To install, run sude npm install -g nodemon.

Project Structure

Name Description
config/passport.js Passport Local and OAuth strategies, plus login middleware.
controllers/api.js Controller for /api route and all api examples.
controllers/home.js Controller for home page (index).
controllers/user.js Controller for user account management.
models/User.js Mongoose schema and model for User.
public/ Static assets (fonts, css, js, img).
public/js/application.js Specify client-side JavaScript dependencies.
public/js/main.js Place your client-side JavaScript here.
public/css/main.scss Main stylesheet for your app.
public/css/themes/default.scss Some Bootstrap overrides to make it look prettier.
views/account/ Templates for login, password reset, signup, profile.
views/api/ Templates for API Examples.
views/partials/flash.pug Error, info and success flash notifications.
views/partials/header.pug Navbar partial template.
views/partials/footer.pug Footer partial template.
views/layout.pug Base template.
views/home.pug Home page template.
.dev.env Your API keys, tokens, passwords and database URI.
app.js The main application file.
package.json NPM dependencies.
package-lock.lock Contains exact versions of NPM dependencies in package.json.

List of Packages

Package Description
async Utility library that provides asynchronous control flow.
bcrypt-nodejs Library for hashing and salting user passwords.
connect-mongo MongoDB session store for Express.
dotenv Loads environment variables from .env file.
express Node.js web framework.
body-parser Express 4 middleware.
express-session Express 4 middleware.
morgan Express 4 middleware.
compression Express 4 middleware.
errorhandler Express 4 middleware.
serve-favicon Express 4 middleware offering favicon serving and caching.
express-flash Provides flash messages for Express.
express-status-monitor Reports real-time server metrics for Express.
express-validator Easy form validation for Express.
pug (jade) Template engine for Express.
lusca CSRF middleware.
mongoose MongoDB ODM.
node-sass-middleware Sass middleware compiler.
passport Simple and elegant authentication library for node.js
request Simplified HTTP request library.
lodash Handy JavaScript utlities library.
validator Used in conjunction with express-validator in controllers/api.js.
mocha Test framework.
chai BDD/TDD assertion library.
supertest HTTP assertion library.