PID Controller

This repository contains the implementation of a PID controller in C++. The PID controller is a feedback control algorithm widely used in control systems to regulate a process. It calculates an output based on the error between the desired setpoint and the current value, utilizing proportional, integral, and derivative control actions.


To use the PID controller, follow these steps:

  1. Include the necessary header file in your project:

    #include "PID.h"
  2. Create an instance of the PID controller by providing the appropriate coefficients: kp (proportional gain), ki (integral gain), and kd (derivative gain):

    PID pidController(kp, ki, kd);
  3. Use the compute method to calculate the control output based on the current value and the desired setpoint:

    double controlOutput = pidController.compute(currValue, desiredValue);
    • currValue is the current value of the process being controlled.
    • desiredValue is the desired setpoint.
  4. (Optional) Reset the PID controller coefficients to new values using the reset method:

    pidController.reset(newKp, newKi, newKd);
    • newKp, newKi, and newKd are the new values for the proportional, integral


To compile the PID controller code, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a new C++ source file in your preferred editor and include the required header file:

    #include "PID.h"
  2. Implement the main function and define the PID controller parameters, current value, and desired value:

    int main() {
        double kp = 0.5;
        double ki = 0.2;
        double kd = 0.1;
        double currValue = 5.0;
        double desiredValue = 10.0;
        // Create an instance of the PID controller
        PID pidController(kp, ki, kd);
        // Compute the control output
        double controlOutput = pidController.compute(currValue, desiredValue);
        // Print the control output
        std::cout << "Control Output: " << controlOutput << std::endl;
        return 0;
  3. Save the source file with a .cpp extension, for example, main.cpp.

  4. Open your terminal or command prompt and navigate to the directory where you saved the source file.

  5. Compile the code using a C++ compiler, such as g++:

    g++ main.cpp PID.cpp -o pid_controller

    This command compiles the main file along with

Learn More

To learn more about PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) controllers, you can visit the following resources:

  • PID Controller on Wikipedia: Find detailed information about PID controllers, including their working principles, advantages, and applications.

We encourage you to explore these resources to gain a deeper understanding of PID controllers and how they can be used in various control systems.