
Simple application that generates a maze based on the given dimensions.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

app-generate-maze CI

This is a simple application that generates a maze based on the given dimensions and the starting point. The maze is generated as a 2D array of cells, where each cell has a value of 0 or 1. The value 0 represents a wall, and the value 1 represents a path. The maze is generated in such a way that there is only one path from the starting point to the end point.


  1. Install node.js and npm.
  2. Run npm install to install the dependencies.

Build & Run

  1. Copy the contents of the .env.example file to a .env next to it, and edit it with your values.
  2. Run npm run build to build the files.
  3. Run npm run start to start the application.
  • You can run npm run dev to combine the 2 steps above, while listening to changes and restarting automatically.


Visual Studio Code

  • Installing the Eslint (dbaeumer.vscode-eslint) and Prettier - Code formatter (esbenp.prettier-vscode) extensions is recommended.

Linting & Formatting

  • Run npm lint to lint the code.
  • Run npm format to format the code.


Check the test examples to get started :

  • /src/app.ts that provide the main logic
  • /test/app.spec.ts who test the main function

To run the tests :

  • Run npm test to execute all tests.
  • Run npm test:watch to run tests in watch (loop) mode.
  • Run npm test:coverage to see the tests coverage report.