
AI Personal Desktop Assistant built using python libraries. It does almost anything, including sending emails, Opens any website with just a voice command, Plays Music, and Wikipedia searching.

Primary LanguagePython


alt text


Jarvis is a Artificial Intelligence Desktop Voice Assistant which help you to do your work without touching laptop/pc.

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  • pyttsx3
  • speech_recognition
  • wikipedia
  • webbrowser
  • datetime
  • os
  • smtplib
  • random
  • pyjokes
  • urllib.parse

Required Packages:

pip3 install SpeechRecognition
pip3 install pyttsx3
pip3 install webbrowser
pip3 install smtplib
pip3 install ranndom
pip3 install wikipedia
pip3 install urllib.parse
pip3 install pyjokes

What it does...

  • Send emails
  • Open any website with just a voice command
  • Plays Music
  • Tells time
  • Wikipedia powered AI
  • Dictionary with Intelligent Sensing i.e. auto checking if spell mistake
  • YouTube searching
  • Google Map searching


A lot can be done with this project. Core AI chatbot like functionality can be added. More python scripts can be associated. Pull requests for any such changes are accepted. Feel free to fork this project and make your own changes too.