
Primary LanguagePython



I followed this guide to set up a kafka service: https://medium.com/big-data-engineering/hello-kafka-world-the-complete-guide-to-kafka-with-docker-and-python-f788e2588cfc

Using docker-compose I set up two topics, one for each business step that this project is composed:
1- collector: this kind of task is responsible to get domains content using an HTTP GET requests
2- regexp: for each DomainChecker a task of this type is generated and enqueued in this topic.

topic creation (extracted from hello-kafka-world)

$KAFKA_HOME/bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --topic collector \
--partitions 4 --replication-factor 1 \
--bootstrap-server `broker-list.sh`

$KAFKA_HOME/bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --topic regexp \
--partitions 4 --replication-factor 1 \
--bootstrap-server `broker-list.sh`


I set up a postgresql node with port mapping and other usefull configurations using this two posts
1- https://stackabuse.com/working-with-postgresql-in-python/
2- https://towardsdatascience.com/local-development-set-up-of-postgresql-with-docker-c022632f13ea

Finally, create and run the container with this command:

docker run -d --name dev-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=Pass2020! \
-v ~/postgres-data/:/var/lib/postgresql/data \
-p 5432:5432 \

Project Entities


  • Domain: Entity that represents the domains to be tracked.
  • DomainChecker: Entity where all desired checks will be created and related with a Domain
  • Snapshot: Each pull run against a Domain. It stores the html
  • SnapshotMetadata: Stats generated by the HTTP GET request. It is splitted from Snapshot it allows to retrieve only metadata without getting the raw html that could become huge and slow down the query, hitting the project infrasctructure.
  • SnapshotCheckData: Results from running each DomainChecker are stored in this table

How to put it all together

There's two ways of verifying that this projects runs as expected.
First one is running test.py and checking that all tests run ok:

$ python tests.py
Ran 4 tests in 3.072s

The other one is starting kafka and postgresql services, starting consumers and then start producing tasks