
Ansible orchestration for humans!

Primary LanguagePython

Server orchestration

Ansible playbook to configure a generic CentOS node for Django applications hosting. A python script is also available.


  • Ansible 1.6+
  • Click 2.2+

Create a virtualenv and install above requirements:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Available tasks

The Ansible playbook exposes the following tasks:

  • Prepare a node for basic functions (basic)
  • Add nginx service (nginx)
  • Add redis service (redis)
  • Add postgresql service (postgresql)
  • Prepare for application deployment (application)

To use a particular task, use --tags options like:

$ ansible orchestration.yml -i hosts --tags basic

Note: hosts file should exists in your folder. Check how to create an inventory.

Required parameters

These parameters are required in order to let Ansible works like expected:








  • psql_pass: password for a global postgres user


  • user_name: user that will host the application and all configurations files including static files
  • user_pass: password for above user
  • app_name: the name of your application
  • createdb: should be True if it's required to create a user and a database inside postgresql instance
  • python_version: choose a python version for your application

To pass a parameter, simply:

$ ansible orchestration.yml -i hosts --tags postgresql -e {"psql_pass" : "123456"}


nginx serves all static files inside your user_name home directory. If the file is not available, it does a reverse proxy to your wsgi application server (ATM it's gunicorn). Otherwise its a 404 error page.

application configures all other components to host your new wsgi application. It uses a global installation of python if available otherwise a new version of interpreter is installed with pythonz.

Command line interface

manager.py script, exposes a really simple command line tool:

Usage: manager.py [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Deploy fast your Django app!

  --help     Show this message and exit.

  add      add a specific service to your node
  deploy   prepare all components for application deployment
  prepare  fill a node with all required packages


  • prepare: when you create a new CentOS machine (VM, DigitalOcean, etc.) this should be the first running command. It installs all basic requirements like SELinux, firewall configuration, development tools (git, mercurial, etc.) and a global python version manager (pythonz)
  • add: when a node is prepared, use this command to add some services like postgresql, redis or nginx
  • deploy: after a node is configured with all required components, this command orchestrates them for a reverse proxy to a WSGI application server (gunicorn). Then you can start your first deploy via git, rsync or whatever you want

WARNING: even if all commands are idempotent, prepare should be executed only once per node because it could override your firewall settings.


Usage: manager.py prepare [OPTIONS] IP

Options: none


Usage: manager.py add [OPTIONS] COMMAND IP

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  nginx       add a web server with proxy capabilities
  postgresql  add a strong, reliable and real DBMS
  redis       add a fast and reliable data structure server

Options postgresql:

--psql-password TEXT  choose a postgres user password


Usage: manager.py deploy [OPTIONS] IP


--app-name TEXT             Set your application name. It's used even for username
--password TEXT             Set your user password. It's used even for your database role
--server-name TEXT          Used by nginx for reverse proxy
--python [2.7.7|3.4.1]      Uses a global python version or installs a new one
--createdb / --no-createdb  Creates a new role for postgresql database and a new database

Command line notes

If any of above options are missing, the script prompts you all needed parameters:

Your application name: evonove
FQDN for app server deployment: evonove.it
Choose a Python version: 3.4.1
Set a password for the user:
Repeat for confirmation:
Create a user in PostgreSQL with a database (if available)? [Y/n]: Y


'' will be configured to host 'evonove' as 'evonove.it'
Running python version: 3.4.1
Database creation: True
Do you want to continue? [y/N]: Y

Note about PostgreSQL user creation: password is the same as the user password.

Note about application name: If you want to skip any wsgi configuration, Your application name should be your repository name.

Manage supervisor

Log as your application user and:

$ `workon supervisord`
$ `supervisorctl -c ~/etc/supervisord_<application_name>.conf`

The day after deploy

To finalize your deploy simply:

  • clone your repository in user's HOME (it's your application name)
  • install all requirements in your virtualenv (it already contains gunicorn)
  • restart all supervisor services
  • set environment vars for postactivate if required
  • do further configurations if required (ex: add celery to supervisor, etc.)



  • Fixed iptables service package
  • Using postgresql setup instead of service for initdb
  • Full CentOS 7 support


  • Ansible script now supports nginx, postgresql and redis services
  • Better Python API
  • Python script exposes prepare, add, and deploy commands


  • Ansible script with basic install feature
  • First draft of a Python script built with click library