
Simple nodejs routing framework created for learning purpose.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Dexpress.js is a very basic web framework for nodejs (similar to expressjs, hence the name) created for learning purpose.

All you can do is

  • listen to a particular port
  • define simple get and post routes (no fancy named routes, parameters ... ).

The idea is to see how one can implement expressjs like routing framework from scratch in nodejs.

Basic Usage:

(or usage of this basic framework, whatever)

var dexpress = require("./dexpress.js"), // or from wherever you have placed this js file
	app = dexpress();

app.listen(); // default port is "6060"
app.listen("3000"); // sets the port to "3000"

// Define a simple 'GET' route
app.get("/greet", function (request, response) {
	response.writeHeader("200", {"Content-Type": "text/html"});
	response.end("<h1><strong>Hello Universe</strong></h1> - Greetings from Dexpress!");
// Define a simple 'POST' route
app.post("/greet", function (request, response) {
	response.writeHeader("200", {"Content-Type": "text/html"});
	response.end("<h1><strong>Hello Universe - You are posting to greet route</strong></h1> - Greetings from Dexpress!");
// you can also define an 'ALL' route that gets called for all request methods
app.all("/greet", function (request, response) {
	// do whatever you feel like doing

I have been using expressjs for some time without even knowing what is possible in nodejs itself, hence this simple project.