This project was generated with Angular CLI version 15.0.2.
Run ng serve
for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/
. The application will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
The project should be good to run after cloning it into a new folder. Can be reached on localhost:4200, and contains to my backend application implemented during this semester.
- App components, gives the base of the project. Contains the router to other modules and also a basic navbar html, which appears on all pages.
- TeamGroups, listing the groups, contains:
- html and css format
- services for get post update delete requests
- teamgroup class/module
- detailed group format, for printing the teams in the groups
- Teams, listing the groups, contains:
- html and css format
- services for get post update delete requests
- team class/module
- detailed tream format, for printing the players in the given team
- Players, listing the players:
- html and css format
- services for get post update delete requests
- player class/module
- Form
- html and css format
- uses already implemented services
- add teamgroup, update team, remove player requests are implemented to show one from each
- Home
- html and css format
- simple welcome page with background pic