
RESTful API built with Node.js, mongoose models and error handling.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Final project @ Technigo Bootcamp - Backend

RESTful API for Final project.

  • Mongoose models
  • Error handling using Try/Catch.
  • Using environment variables.
  • Using async/await.
  • ReadyState check om database
  • Seeding database locally and externally.
  • Deployed to Heroku and database to MongoDB cloud.

Tech used:

  • Node.js, Express, MongoDB, MongoDB Atlas and JavaScript ES6
  • VS Code, MongoDB Compass, Postman and Chrome.

I started by working on the mongoose model for my database. I then did a local seed to MongoDB and started working on the endpoints. I needed to make some changes in the model and did a new database seed. Kept on working on the endpoints and handling errors. When everything worked locally I deployed to Heroku. And had some issues regarding versions of dependencies with Heroku but solved it all. Also configured MongoDB Atlas. Tested first with a empty database and then did a seed to MongoDB Atlas using Heroku Config Vars and "RESET_DATABASE=true" to run my seed to db.

View it live - the website:
