
Advanced model validator for Doctrine ORM (based on ActiveRecord)

Primary LanguagePHP



composer require paliari/doctrine-validator


Include the TraitValidatorModel in your model

// Create your model extended to AbstractRansackModel.
class YourModel
    use \Paliari\Doctrine\TraitValidatorModel;

    //... fields ...

     * Override the method getEm is required.
     * You must return your EntityManager in this method
     * @return \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager
    public static function getEM()
        // return EntityManager


Or you can make your model class extends from AbstractValidatorModel:

class YourModel extends \Paliari\Doctrine\AbstractValidatorModel
    //... fields ...

     * Override the method getEm is required.
     * You must return your EntityManager in this method
     * @return \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager
    public static function getEM()
        // return EntityManager

Initialize validator

Add in your bootstrap:

$eventManager = $entityManager->getEventManager();
$eventManager->addEventSubscriber(new \Paliari\Doctrine\ModelValidatorEventSubscriber());



Create a protected static property inside your model to validate. See the available options and examples:

  • validates_presence_of

    • Options: if, unless, on

    • Example:

      protected static $validates_presence_of = [
          'last_login' => ['on' => 'update'],
          'nike_name' => ['unless' => 'name']
  • validates_size_of alias to validates_length_of

    • Options: minimum, maximum, in|within

    • Example:

      protected static $validates_length_of = [
          'name' => ['minimum' => 10, 'maximum' => 100],
          'nike_name' => ['in' => [3, 20]]

      the maximum option is automatically setted by the field doc block

  • validates_inclusion_of

    • Options: in|within, allow_nil, allow_blank

    • Example:

      protected static $validates_inclusion_of = [
          'type' => ['in' => [1, 2, 3, 4]],
          'value' => ['in' => [1, 2, 3, 4], 'allow_nil' => true],
          'field_name' => ['in' => ['a', 'b', 'c'], 'allow_blank' => true]

    the boolean fields are automatically setted as true|false

  • validates_exclusion_of

    • Options: in|within, allow_nil, allow_blank

    • Example:

      protected static $validates_exclusion_of = [
          'field_name' => ['in' => ['a', 'b', 'c'], 'allow_blank' => true]
  • validates_format_of

    • Options: with, without

      • Values: email, url, integer, boolean, ip, /[0-9a-z]/
    • Example:

      protected static $validates_format_of = [
          'email' => ['with' => 'email'],
          'field_url' => ['with' => 'url'],
          'field_name' => ['without' => 'float']
  • validates_numericality_of

    • Options: greater_than, greater_than_or_equal_to, less_than, less_than_or_equal_to, equal_to, other_than, only_integer

    • Example:

      protected static $validates_numericality_of = [
          'ammount' => ['greater_than' => 5],
          'another_field' => ['only_integer' => true]
  • validates_uniqueness_of

    • Options: scope

    • Example:

      protected static $validates_uniqueness_of = [
          'number' => ['scope' => ['year']],
  • validates_custom

    • Example:

      protected static $validates_custom = ['yourMethodName', 'otherYourMethodName'];
      public function yourMethodName() {
        if ($name == 'example') {
          $this->errors->add('name', '"name" cannot be "example"');
      public function otherYourMethodName() {
        // Do something here

There is also a list of default options supported by every validator: 'if', 'unless', 'on', 'allow_nil' or 'allow_blank'


Create a protected static property with the callbacks inside your model. See the available options and examples:

  • before_validation Execute before validation

    • Example:

      protected static $before_validation = ['yourCallbackName'];
      public function yourCallbackName() { /* Do something here */}
  • after_validation Execute after validation

    • Example:

      protected static $after_validation = ['anotherCallbackName'];
  • before_validation_on_create Execute before validation only create

    • Example:

      protected static $before_validation_on_create = ['yourCallbackName'];
  • after_validation_on_create Execute after validation only create

    • Example:

      protected static $after_validation_on_create = ['yourCallbackName'];
  • before_validation_on_update Execute before validation only update

    • Example:

      protected static $before_validation_on_update = ['yourCallbackName'];
  • after_validation_on_update Execute after validation only update

    • Example:

      protected static $after_validation_on_update = ['yourCallbackName'];
  • before_validation_on_remove Execute before validation only remove

    • Example:

      protected static $before_validation_on_remove = ['yourCallbackName'];
  • after_validation_on_remove Execute after validation only remove

    • Example:

      protected static $after_validation_on_remove = ['yourCallbackName'];

Custom Validators

Para adicionar validator customizado é só uar o método statico no model ModelName::addCustomValidator passando como argumento um callable que recebe como parametro o $model.

To add custom validator just use the static method in model ModelName :: addCustomValidator passing as argument a callable that takes $model as parameter.


MyModel::addCustomValidator(function($model) {
  if ($model->isNewRecord()) {
      if (!MyValidator::instance()->isValid($model)) {
          foreach (MyValidator::instance()->getMessages() as $k => $item) {
              $model->errors->add($k, $item);

// ou


Install dependencies

docker-compose -f docker-compose-cli.yml run --rm cli composer install


docker-compose -f docker-compose-cli.yml run --rm cli ./vendor/bin/phpunit

Publish a new version

# Generate a new tag
docker-compose -f docker-compose-cli.yml run --rm cli ./vendor/bin/bump -g --version patch|minor|major

git push && git push --tags
