
uix-company-site-round-2-tense-ostriches created by GitHub Classroom

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uix-company-site-round-2-tense-ostriches created by GitHub Classroom

Fit-U Company is micro division of the openIDEO company.

Fit-U's mission is help people maintain a healthy lifestyle by offering goods and services that aid in the journey to a healthier and more physically fit you.

When you first visit our company's site, you will see Fit-U's mission statement and the products our company offer you to purchase.

You can use the fixed navigation bar at the top our web site to click on our About Us, Contact, Products and shopping cart pages.

Click on the About Us link to find out more about the Fit-U company and team members. Click on the Contact link to see our locations and communicate with us by filling out the form on the page. Click on the Products link and it will take you to the home page products section to see the goods and services we offer for purchase. Click on the product image to see a detail description of all our products. Click on the product item you want to purchase and it will add it to your shopping cart. When you are finished shopping, you can checkout shopping cart and it will itemize your selection and give you a total amount of purchase.