RicAdmin ======== This is my first plugin for Rails 3. I developed this by following the yaffle example here: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/plugins.html I'd like to have an admin interface to models, with some magic: - TODO Auto graph of models and their relationships. - TODO view of all models with warnings for invalid models - TODO Management of Rbates nifty users, if any is present Example ======= How to use on Rails 3: - Add 'ric' to Gemfile - map.ric_admin # add to config/routes.rb $ rails plugin install git@github.com:palladius/ric_admin.git You should go to /ric_admin/ , provided you're an admin user (you should define "current_user.admin?" ) Copyright (c) 2011 [Riccardo Carlesso], released under the MIT license