- Copied from https://github.com/ralixjs/rails-ralix-tailwind . Why? I am a bit lost in 4 different ways of Rails 7 to manage Js and im not a JS specialist... hence.. someone did the effort for me so why not standing on the shoulders of giants?
- Image inspiration: https://ricc.rocks/en/posts/travel/20230404-puffin-tours/
Also Kate asked me to do this:
- Posts
- Active Storage for images
- star rating
For auto-reload to work, do this:
- rake assets:precompile && rails s
- yarn build:css --watch
See for more : https://dev.to/a_chris/rails-live-reloading-assets-1k9e
Starter Kit to build modern Rails applications fast
Powered by:
Rails v7 application template ready to start building your next project, with a pre-configured modern front-end stack and some extras:
- 🎨 Minimalistic and responsive, clean layout
- 📦 Icons pack, via Heroicons
- 🔐 Authentication, via Devise + OmniAuth for Social Logins
- 👥 Authorization, via CanCanCan
- 🔍 Searching, via Ransack
- 📝 Rich text edition, via Trix
- 🔢 Pagination, via Pagy
- 📄 Static pages controller (About, Terms, ...)
- 🔴 Custom errors pages: 404, 422, 500
- 📚 Ready-to-use components: Tables, Buttons, Forms, Cards, Modals and Tooltips
Clone this repository (or use the GitHub template button), then cd
into the folder and run:
> bin/setup
This is a personal memo to my installation since its being ACTUIVELY DEVELOPED :)
- Use
to get the personal.envrc
. - Project id is
under R&K gmail account (note it had 1$ credit which is now expired). Some links:- [https://console.cloud.google.com/cloud-build/builds?referrer=search&project=puffin-tours](Cloud Build for PT)
- AR: https://console.cloud.google.com/artifacts/docker/puffin-tours/europe-west1/puffintours/puffintours?project=puffin-tours (last positive build is from v0.7.0 pm Aug28)
- IAM: https://console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin/iam?referrer=search&project=puffin-tours
Start the development server:
> bin/dev
# Acts as Votable
bundle install
rails generate acts_as_votable:migration
# add '[6.0]' to migration (gem is OLD!)
rake db:migrate
# error, should have been article_id, not post_id, too much cut/paste :)
rails g scaffold comment body:text post_id:integer parent_id:integer vote:integer internal_notes:text active:boolean