
Order Microservices

Primary LanguageGo

Order Microservices

This project is a demo microservices for my students.

VS Code Extensions

  • for Dababase connection: mtxr.sqltools-driver-mysql
  • for API testing: humao.rest-client


Please visit https://eforexcel.com/wp/downloads-18-sample-csv-files-data-sets-for-testing-sales/ and download sample data for orderfe.

How it works

cmd/offline is offline API receieve order and filter only offline channel and insert into MariaDB cmd/online is online API receive order and filter onlt online channel and insert into MongoDB

both of it use same order package in /order the difference is in main.go in cmd/offline and cmd/online and .env file


maria: to start MariaDB docker container

mongodb: to start MongoDB docker container

offline-image: to build offline api docker image

online-image: to build online api docker image

offline-container: to start offline api docker container

online-container: to start online api docker container

Run Order

start MariaDB, MongoDB, Offline and Online contianer

run command:

make maria make mongodb make offline-image make online-image make offline-container make online-container go run cmd/orderfe/order.go