
Primary LanguageKotlin

Dynamo example

In one terminal run local dynamo (by default on port 8000):

mkdir -p /tmp/dynamo && cd /tmp/dynamo && curl -s $LATEST_URL | tar xz
java -Djava.library.path=./DynamoDBLocal_lib -jar DynamoDBLocal.jar -sharedDb

read aws instructions here

Test local dynamo is up:

aws dynamodb list-tables --endpoint-url http://localhost:8000
# or once there's an item: 
aws dynamodb get-item --table-name User --key='{"id":{"S":"someId"}}'  --endpoint-url http://localhost:8000

Back in this project dir, set up your env and run the tests:

cat << EOF > .envrc
export dynamo_endpoint="http://localhost:8000/"
export aws_access_key=foo
export aws_secret_key=bar

gradle build test