
CUDA-accelerated PyTorch implementation of t-SNE

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

CUDA-accelerated t-SNE using PyTorch

PyTorch implementation of the t-stochastic neighbor embedding algorithm described in Visualizing Data using t-SNE.

While CUDA support is not required for this library, the best performance can be achieved when this library is used on a system with CUDA support.


Requires Python 3.7 or later

Install via Pip

pip3 install tsne-torch

Install from Source

git clone https://github.com/palle-k/tsne-pytorch.git
cd tsne-pytorch
python3 setup.py install


from tsne_torch import TorchTSNE as TSNE

X = ...  # shape (n_samples, d)
X_emb = TSNE(n_components=2, perplexity=30, n_iter=1000, verbose=True).fit_transform(X)  # returns shape (n_samples, 2)

Command-Line Usage

python3 -m tsne_torch --xfile <path> --yfile <path>


This is our result compared to the result of the author's Python implementation on a subset of the MNIST dataset:

  • PyTorch result

pytorch result

  • python result

python result


This code highly inspired by

  • author's python implementation code here.