Simple integration of Flask and WTForms, including CSRF, file upload and Recaptcha integration.
- 0
"DateField in WTForms triggers 'Not a valid date value' error when left empty, even with no validators"
#614 opened by feiticeir0 - 4
- 4
debubpy + autoreload not working with FlaskForm
#600 opened by morindo - 1
Allow disabling CSRF based on request context
#495 opened by hMED22 - 1
Adding support for X-Frame-Options
#597 opened by scicco - 1
Support overriding RECAPTCHA_ERROR_CODES
#593 opened by PanderMusubi - 0
flask-wtf i18n does not work without flask-babel
#582 opened by azmeuk - 0
DataRequired and NumberRange can't handle 0
#587 opened by mickkn - 1
'REMEMBER_COOKIE_HTTPONLY' causes "The CSRF tokens do not match" on mobile Firefox
#521 opened by Lvl4Sword - 8
csrf.exempt CSRF fails under nested blueprints
#486 opened by kanhebei - 0
The CSRF error messages are not translated
#583 opened by azmeuk - 2
flask_wtf no longer compatible with flask 2.3.0
#561 opened by djundjila - 2
readthedocs doesn't show latest release
#558 opened by jwag956 - 1
flask-wtf custom message not displayed
#508 opened by amanve - 2
OWASP Guidance: prefer Origin header over Referer header when Identifying Source Origin
#455 opened by gsmethells - 0
Allow CSRF to be entirely disabled
#483 opened by marksteward - 0
Setting WTF_CSRF_TIME_LIMIT to "None" is confusing
#538 opened by malthe - 10
The CSRF session token is missing.
#519 opened by TomeCirun - 2
CSRF Token does not attach to session
#494 opened by Arthurdb1999 - 0
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Validate the MIME type of files using FileAllowed
#527 opened by Tedpac - 2
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email validator space error
#559 opened by winninggodspower - 2
Can't theme the actual button on FileInput field
#554 opened by jessielw - 2
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extra_validators change breaks many many forms
#547 opened by jwag956 - 2
Autocomplete input suggestion field
#551 opened by xihajun - 2
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Responsible disclosure policy
#545 opened by benharvie - 3
Update of Flask to 2.2.2 breaks flask-wtf test
#531 opened by gador - 1
FR: Add Cloudflare Turnstile Captcha solution
#535 opened by fili - 3
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SupportAsync for validators
#522 opened by pythops - 0
AJAX support
#520 opened by jsnyder10 - 1
HTML has the nice <datalist> tag to provide an "autocomplete" feature. It would be great if a new form type supported this.
#518 opened by ToTru - 4
Bug: Update to Request.get_json() in Werkzeug 2.1.0 breaks reCAPTCHA validation
#510 opened by thisistonydang - 3
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Support forms with GET method
#505 opened by Miksus - 6
BooleanField does not honor default value
#489 opened by ademaro - 1
csrf.exempt works only top blueprint
#487 opened by hynever - 1
Broken link to WTForms on docs home page
#448 opened by Bonifacio2 - 0
CSRF token are stored in Redis with an expiration equal to the permanent lifetime sessions
#467 opened by pieroliviermarquis - 3
Set html `accept` attribute for file input form when `FileAllowed` is set for file upload
#466 opened by PeterDaveHello - 1
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filename `'.ext'` seen as a valid file extension
#465 opened by jkittner - 1
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FlaskForm object returns wrong data after dynamically changed with JavaScript
#459 opened by NimaBavari - 1
after running pip install Flask_WTF package reported successful python couldn't find package.
#458 opened by BstevensG4G - 3
Disable CSRF check for requests without cookies
#453 opened by Virusmater - 0
docs: Code example in quickstart tries to iterate over object, not the errors
#451 opened by vilhelmprytz