
Command-line utility to select a table within an HTML document and convert it to CSV

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Command-line utility to select a table within an HTML document and convert it to CSV. Here we can get the historical population of Reykjavík from Wikipedia:

$ curl -s https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reykjav%C3%ADk | \
> htmltab -n '-' -n '--' -f - h2+p+table.wikitable | \
> csvlook
|  Year | City   | Metro   |
|  1801 | 600    |         |
|  1860 | 1450   |         |
|  1901 | 6321   | 8221    |
|  1910 | 11449  | 14534   |
|  1920 | 17450  | 21347   |
|  1930 | 28052  | 33867   |
|  1940 | 38308  | 43483   |
|  1950 | 55980  | 44813   |
|  1960 | 72407  | 88315   |
|  1970 | 81693  | 106152  |
|  1980 | 83766  | 121698  |
|  1985 | 89868  |         |
|  1990 | 97569  | 145980  |
|  1995 | 104258 |         |
|  2000 | 110852 | 175000  |
|  2005 | 114800 | 187105  |
|  2006 | 115420 | 191612  |
|  2007 | 117721 | 196161  |
|  2008 | 119848 | 201585  |
|  2011 | 119108 | 202341  |
|  2015 | 121822 |         |

Or straight from the url with the -u flag:

$ htmltab -n '-' -n '--' \
> -u https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reykjav%C3%ADk \
> h2+p+table.wikitable

Or by index:

$ htmltab -n '-' -n '--' \
> -u https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reykjav%C3%ADk \
> -i 5


pip3 install -e git+https://github.com/flother/htmltab#egg=htmltab

HTMLTab requires Python 3, Click, lxml, cssselect, Requests and Beautiful Soup 4.


Usage: htmltab.py [OPTIONS] EXPRESSION

  Select a table within an HTML document and convert it to CSV.

  -e, --css                       Interpret EXPRESSION as a CSS selector
  -x, --xpath                     Interpret EXPRESSION as an XPath expression.
  -i, --index                     Interpret EXPRESSION as an index, starting
                                  from 1.
  -n, --null-value TEXT           Case-insensitive value to convert to an
                                  empty cell in the CSV output. Use multiple
                                  times if you have more than one null value.
                                  [default: 'na', 'n/a', '.', '-']
  -c, --convert-numbers / -k, --keep-numbers
                                  Convert number-like strings into numbers
                                  (e.g. remove group symbols, percent signs)
                                  or leave unchanged.  [default: convert]
  -g, --group-symbol TEXT         Symbol used to group digits in numbers (e.g.
                                  the ',' in '1,000.00').  [default: ,]
  -d, --decimal-symbol TEXT       Symbol used to separate integer from
                                  fraction in numbers (e.g. the '.' in
                                  '1,000.00').  [default: .]
  -s, --currency-symbol TEXT      Currency symbol to remove when converting
                                  number-like strings. Use multiple times if
                                  you have more than one currency symbol
                                  [default: '$', '¥', '£', '€']
  -u, --url TEXT                  Fetch HTML document from url.
  -f, --file FILENAME             Read HTML document from file or stdin
  --help                          Show this message and exit.