appProffy - Next Level Week 2.0

💻 Technologies

This project was made using the follow technologies:

🚀 Features

  • App to connect teachers and students.

👷 How to run

# Clone Repository
$ git clone
$ git clone

📦 Run API

# Go to server folder
$ cd nlw2/server

# Install Dependencies
$ yarn install

# Run Aplication
$ yarn start

Access API at http://localhost:3333/

📱 Run Mobile Project

To run the mobile project you need a cellphone with the app of expo instaled or a emulator android/ios. After, fork this repository and clone to your machine. Inside of the project's folder run the following commands:

# Go to mobile project em folder
$ cd appProffy

# Install Dependencies
$ yarn install

# Run Aplication
$ yarn start

Go run Expo in your smarthphone to see the result.

The NLW #2 project. Built with ❤︎ by Palloma Gualter

This project is under the [MIT license]

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