
Provides an example on how to implement a micro-manager 2.0 plugin using Maven.

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Example Micro-Manager 2.0 plugin using Maven

This repository provides an example on how to implement a Micro-Manager 2.0 plugin using Maven.

The plugin itself doesn't do much but should help get you started on creating a Micro-manager 2.0 plugin, using Maven to manage the project.

Getting started

To get this project running you'll need:

  • Micro-Manager 2.0
  • Maven
  • An IDE: I personally prefer IntelliJ, and it works very well with Maven.

Once you have installed Micro-Manger and copied this repository, run the following command from the repository folder:

mvn install:install-file -Dfile="PATH\plugins\Micro-Manager\MMJ_.jar" -DgroupId="org.micromanager" -DartifactId="MMJ_" -Dversion="2.0" -Dpackaging="jar"

Where PATH is your local path to where you installed Micro-manager.

Using Maven

The file Maven uses to understand your project is the pom.xml. This file will describe your project and the dependencies it requires to build properly. The pom provided here is very basic and only designed to get you started; Maven has many features and other ways to manage your project beyond what is shown here.

Compiling and packaging your plugin

To create your plugin, simple type mvn package on the root of the project. Maven will check what dependencies you need (in this case Micro-Manager and SciJava), download them for you and compile the code.

A jar file will then be created under a target directory. Simply copy this file to the mmplugins folder in your Micro-manager directory and start micro-manger: the plugin (named Example plugin) should now appear on Micro-Manager's plugin list.