This library provides you a Silex DoctrineORM Service provider.
This service provider requires PHP 5.3+, Silex and DoctrineORM.
DoctrineORM is included in composer.json.
- doctrine_orm.entities_path: The path to entities.
- doctrine_orm.proxies_path: The path to proxies.
- doctrine_orm.proxies_namespace: The proxies namespace.
- doctrine_orm.connection_parameters: Array of Doctrine DBAL connection params. The DBAL configuration is explained in DBAL configuration
- doctrine_orm.metadata_cache: Optional. This param sets the cache implementation to use for caching metadata information. The default value is Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache. Don't use it for production.
- doctrine_orm.query_cache: Optional. This param sets the cache implementation to use for caching DQL queries. The default value is Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache. Don't use it for production.
- doctrine_orm.result_cache: Optional. This param sets the cache implementation to use for caching query results information.
- doctrine_orm.autogenerate_proxy_classes: Sets whether proxy classes should be generated automatically at runtime by Doctrine. If set to FALSE, proxy classes must be generated manually through the doctrine command line task generate-proxies. The strongly recommended value for a production environment is FALSE. The default value is TRUE.
- doctrine_orm.simple_annotation_reader: Optional. This annotation reader is intended to be used in projects where you have full-control over all annotations that are available.
$app->register(new Palma\Silex\Provider\DoctrineORMServiceProvider(), array(
'doctrine_orm.entities_path' => __DIR__.'/Entities/',
'doctrine_orm.proxies_path' => __DIR__.'/Proxies',
'doctrine_orm.proxies_namespace' => 'MyProject\Proxies',
'doctrine_orm.connection_parameters' => array(
'driver' => 'pdo_mysql',
'dbname' => 'dbname',
'user' => 'usename',
'password' => '******',
'host' => 'localhost',
'charset' => 'utf8',
$app->get('/blog/show/{id}', function ($id) use ($app) {
$post = $['doctrine_orm.em']->find('Post', $id);
return "<h1>{$post->getTitle()}</h1>".