
The Velodrome sound atomicity checker as implemented in Jikes RVM 3.1.3 by Biswas et al.

Primary LanguageJavaOtherNOASSERTION


DoubleChecker: Efficient Sound and Precise Atomicity Checking

Swarnendu Biswas, Jipeng Huang, Aritra Sengupta, and Michael Bond The Ohio State University April 2014

This document gives a brief description of the project, code, and instructions to build and execute the project.


DoubleChecker is a novel sound and precise dynamic atomicity checker whose key insight lies in its use of two new cooperating dynamic analyses. Its imprecise analysis tracks inter-thread dependences soundly but imprecisely with significantly better performance than a fully precise analysis. Its precise analysis is more expensive but only needs to process parts of execution identified as potentially involved in atomicity violations. DoubleChecker can operate in either of two modes: the single-run mode is fully sound, while the multi-run mode trades accuracy for performance.

We have implemented DoubleChecker and an existing state-of-the-art atomicity checker called Velodrome in a high-performance Java virtual machine. DoubleChecker's single-run and multi-run modes significantly outperform Velodrome, while still providing full soundness and precision. These results suggest that DoubleChecker's approach is a promising direction for improving the performance of dynamic atomicity checking over prior work.

The following paper presents DoubleChecker in more detail:

Swarnendu Biswas, Jipeng Huang, Aritra Sengupta, and Michael Bond. DoubleChecker: Efficient Sound and Precise Atomicity Checking. PLDI 2014.

This project implements the Velodrome algorithm. The link to the Velodrome paper is: http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1375618. To have a sound implementation, we encapsulate each program access in small critical sections to avoid loss of metadata updates due to potential data races.


Build Velodrome:

Install gcc-multilib and g++-multilib. In Ubuntu:

$ apt-get install gcc-multilib g++-multilib

Go to the source directory and run:

$ ant -Dhost.name=x86_64-linux -Dconfig.name=FastAdaptiveGenImmix -Dconfig.variant=VelodromeASDefault -Dconfig.config-class=org.jikesrvm.config.VelodromeASDefault


Before you can execute a project, you need to create a symlink in your $HOME directory for the project.

$ cd ; ln -s ${RVMROOT} velodromeRvmRoot

After building, you can run a configuration with this command:

$ ${RVMROOT}/dist/rvm/${WHATEVER_PREFIX}_${CONFIG_NAME}_${WHATEVER_SUFFIX}/rvm [JVM arguments] [application arguments]


Run Velodrome with avrora:

$ cd ; ln -s ${RVMROOT} velodromeRvmRoot
$ ${RvmRoot}/dist/FastAdaptiveGenImmix_VelodromeASDefault_x86_64-linux/rvm -X:vm:errorsFatal=true -X:vm:measureCompilation=true -X:vm:measureCompilationPhases=true -X:vm:benchmarkName=avrora9 -Xmx2600M -cp <path-to-dacapo-9.12-bach.jar> Harness -s small -c MMTkCallback -n 1 avrora

Only GenImmix is currently supported for GC changes in DoubleChecker, while all collectors are supported for Velodrome. It is possible to support other collectors in DoubleChecker as well.


The implementation builds on Jikes RVM 3.1.3. You can use Eclipse to view and/or modify the source code. Please refer to the Jikes RVM resources on how to set up Jikes in Eclipse.

You can do a global text search (Ctrl+H in Eclipse) and search for "AVD:" to find all the places where we have modified Jikes RVM 3.1.3 in order to implement DoubleChecker. To search for Velodrome-related changes, search for the string "Velodrome:". Octet-specific changes are tagged with "Octet:".

Some key classes:

  • VelodromeAnalysis
  • VelodromeBarriers
  • TransactionalHBGraph
  • VelodromeBaselineInstr