
express app to generate song lyrics

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Robotic Peotry

An express app that generates semi-nonsensical pretentious lyrics for the next hit indie song!

This project is hosted here

Look how easy it is to use:

  1. git clone the project
  2. Run npm install
  3. Run npm start
  4. Open http://locahost:3000 in your web browser
  5. Specify number of lines
  6. Click generate!

Proceed to use the beautiful lyrics to produce amazing music.

This project was built by Alex Polubiec and Gus Erickson for the Monthly Music Hackathon on the topic: Lyrics & Language.


  • Generate up to 50 lines of lyrics at a time
  • With millions of possible lyrics, some of which only half make sense, it should definitely produce some very unique lyrics!

Example Lyrics

Some example lyrics produced by the generator:

  • You remonetizing those higher mathematics
  • You carbolising dozen blocked shoe
  • My ungardened job printer devitrifying my mother
  • Least subliminal Romania bottle me


Install all of the Pretentious Lyrics Generator dependencies by running:

npm install



If you are having issues, please let us know! Just send an email to Alex


The words and parts of speech come from Moby Project - Part-of-Speech, created by Grady Ward.