Smart Lamp


Smart Lamp is a smart IOT device that can be programmed using HTTP/MQTT protocols. Functionalities include:

  • Setting RGB lights to shuffle
  • Automatic turn on/off depending on proximity and light sensors
  • Remote turning on/off
  • Reading mode
  • Remote intensity of light


AsyncAPI and OpenAPI specification files are provided. To access swagger documentation, please start the application, and navigate to /docs.


  • Python3
  • Pip
  • MQTT broker, preferably a local one

Used libraries

  • FastAPI
  • pydantic
  • numpy
  • fastapi_mqtt


All of the required packages are provided in requirements.txt. You can install those using:

pip install -r requirements.txt

For MQTT installation please refer to the steps specific to your operating system.

Running the application

First of all, create an MQTT user:password pair, using the following credentials: test:test.

The application can be ran using uvicorn.

uvicorn app:app --reload

Runing tests

Tests can be ran after starting the application, using the following command:


If no errors are present, then the tests ran succesfully.


Please refer to the Swagger documentation page.