
A docker IPSec server based on Strongswan and Alpine. RA and S2S profile. Below 70 Mb. GNS3 ready.

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A docker IPSec server based on Strongswan and Alpine. With remote access and site to site VPN profile. Below 70 Mb. GNS3 ready.


  • Road warrior IKEv2 profile : RSA, PSK and EAP
  • Road warrior IKEv1 profile : XAUTH RSA and XAUTH PSK
  • Site to site IKEv2 profile : RSA and PSK
  • IPv4 and IPv6
  • Internal pool or external DHCP server
  • Internal certificate authority, with certificate revocation option
  • Possibility to use host Let's Encrypt certificate
  • Possibility to authenticate with a radius server (AAA)
  • Firewall option to Allow/Deny : interclient, lan, internet

The 3 Road warrior IKEv2 profile (RSA, PSK, EAP) are activated by default.
The credentials are randomly generated, if not set.

The container will generate self signed certificate using external (public) ip address as CN, if not set.

The container configurations and credentials can be displayed using the command : docker logs containerName

The /etc/swanctl folder is persistent.

Important, you need at least : --cap-add NET_ADMIN for strongswan to start.

Simple usage

Create a remote access connection with MSCHAPv2 authentication :

docker run -dt \
  --cap-add NET_ADMIN --cap-add SYS_MODULE --cap-add SYS_ADMIN \
  --sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1 --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.eth0.proxy_ndp=1 \
  -v /lib/modules:/lib/modules:ro -e Y_FIREWALL_ENABLE=yes \
  -p 50:50/udp -p 51:51/udp -p 500:500/udp -p 4500:4500/udp \
  -e Y_EAP_USERNAME=tux -e Y_EAP_PASSWORD=StrongPassword \
  --name myipsec palw3ey/ye3ipsec


  1. On the host, show the content of the ca certificate
docker exec -it myipsec cat /etc/swanctl/x509ca/caCert.pem
  1. On Windows, paste the content to a file named caCert.crt and double clic on it (or use certlm.msc) to import the certificate to : Local Computer > Trusted Root Certificate
    (You can avoid this step by using Let's Encrypt certificate in docker run options, see HOWTOs)

  2. On Windows start menu type "add VPN connection", fill in the fields :

    • connection name : EAP Test
    • server name or address : Type the VPN server external ip address
    • VPN type : select "IKEv2"
    • Type of sign-in info : select "User name and password"
    • User name : type "tux"
    • Password : type "StrongPassword"
    • Save
    • Select "EAP Test" and Connect


  • Enable ipv6 in Docker
# Open this file :
vi /etc/docker/daemon.json

# Add these parameters :
  "experimental": true,
  "ip6tables": true

# To save and close, press successively these keyboard key : "Escape" ":" "w" "q" "Enter"

# restart docker
sudo systemctl restart docker
  • Create a docker network with ipv4 and ipv6, named mynet46
docker network create --ipv6 \  
  --subnet= \  
  --subnet=fd00::a02:c000/120 \
  • Use mynet46, and customise the network settings to be able to use the VPN from outside,
    Use these options with docker run :
--cap-add NET_ADMIN --cap-add SYS_MODULE --cap-add SYS_ADMIN \  
  --sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1 --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.eth0.proxy_ndp=1 \
  -v /lib/modules:/lib/modules:ro -e Y_FIREWALL_ENABLE=yes \
  -p 50:50/udp -p 51:51/udp -p 500:500/udp -p 4500:4500/udp \  
  --net mynet46 --ip --ip6 fd00::a02:c0fe \  
  • Use the host Let's Encrypt certificate to identify the VPN server instead of the certificate generated by the container,
    Use these options with docker run :
-e Y_LOCAL_SELFCERT=no -e Y_SERVER_CERT_CN=www.test.lan \
  -v /etc/letsencrypt/live/www.test.lan/chain.pem:/etc/swanctl/x509ca/chain.pem \
  -v /etc/letsencrypt/live/www.test.lan/cert.pem:/etc/swanctl/x509/cert.pem \
  -v /etc/letsencrypt/live/www.test.lanm/privkey.pem:/etc/swanctl/private/privkey.pem \
  • Specify the pool, for remote access client (road warrior),
    Use these options with docker run :
-e Y_POOL_IPV4= -e Y_POOL_IPV6=fd00::a02:c800/120
  • Get ip addresses from a DHCP server, for remote access client (road warrior),
    Use these options with docker run :
  • Specify username and password for the EAP IKEv2 roadwarrior profile,
    Use these options with docker run :
-e Y_EAP_USERNAME=carol -e Y_EAP_PASSWORD=StrongPassword
  • Get EAP authentication from a radius server, for the EAP IKEv2 roadwarrior profile,
    Use these options with docker run :
-e Y_EAP_REMOTE_AUTH=eap-radius -e Y_RADIUS_ENABLE=yes \
  -e Y_RADIUS_SERVER=radius.server.lan -e Y_RADIUS_SECRET=StrongRadiusSecret \
  • Specify id and secret for the PSK IKEv2 roadwarrior profile,
    Use these options with docker run :
-e Y_PSK_REMOTE_ID= -e Y_PSK_SECRET=StrongSecret
  • Specify CN and password for the RSA Certificate IKEv2 roadwarrior profile,
    Use these options with docker run :
-e Y_CERT_CN=carol.laptop.lan -e Y_CERT_PASSWORD=StrongPassword
  • Activate the PSK IKEv2 Site to Site profile,
    Use these options with docker run :
  -e Y_S2S_PSK_SECRET=StrongSecret \  
  -e Y_S2S_PSK_LOCAL_TS=,fd00::a02:101/112 \  
  -e Y_S2S_PSK_REMOTE_TS=,fd00::a01:101/112 \
  • Activate the IKEv1 roadwarrior profile : Xauth PSK and Xauth RSA
    They are disabled by default. Use these options with docker run :
  • Specify credentials for the Xauth PSK IKEv1 roadwarrior profile,
    Use these options with docker run :
  -e Y_XAUTH_PSK_REMOTE_ID=carol -e Y_XAUTH_PSK_SECRET=StrongSecret \  
  • Show credentials
docker logs myipsec | grep "CRED_"
  • Show CA
docker exec -it myipsec cat /etc/swanctl/x509ca/caCert.pem
  • Copy client p12 file from the container to your Documents folder
docker cp myipsec:/etc/swanctl/pkcs12/clientCert.p12 ~/Documents/
  • Show Strongswan log
docker exec -it myipsec swanctl --log
  • Start container automatically on system boot
docker update --restart=unless-stopped myipsec
  • Start container automatically on system boot with custom host commands, to add routes for example
cat > /etc/systemd/system/myipsec.service <<EOL
Description=ye3ipsec container

ExecStartPre=-/sbin/ip route del via
ExecStartPre=-/sbin/ip -6 route del fd00::a01:101/112 via fd00::a02:c0fe
ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker start -a myipsec
ExecStop=/usr/bin/docker stop -t 2 myipsec
ExecStartPost=-/sbin/ip route add via
ExecStartPost=-/sbin/ip -6 route add fd00::a01:101/112 via fd00::a02:c0fe

# reload
systemctl daemon-reload
# check presence
systemctl list-unit-files | grep -i myipsec
# enable
systemctl enable myipsec
# restart
systemctl restart myipsec
 # status
systemctl status myipsec

Use Docker restart policies or service unit, but don't use both.


  • How can i run strongswan without the configurations files provided by ye3ipsec ?

docker run -dt --cap-add NET_ADMIN -e Y_IGNORE_CONFIG=yes --name myipsec palw3ey/ye3ipsec

Y_IGNORE_CONFIG=yes, This way you only have strongswan without any custom configurations. You can find examples on the strongswan website on how to create connections.

If you are not comfortable, use Y_IGNORE_CONFIG=no, then use the environment variables which will automatically configure Strongswan with ready-made connection profiles. This is the purpose of the ye3ipsec container.

  • With docker environment variables I can only create 1 site to site PSK profile, how do I add another site to site connection ?

You are not restricted to only using docker environment variables to customize the server, you can add new connections as you wish by simply adding a .conf file in this folder: /etc/swanctl/conf.d/

In the example of a PSK site-to-site connection where:

site X:

Server IP address: X.X.X.X
Lan IP address:,fd00::a01:101/112

site Y:

Server IP address: Y.Y.Y.Y
Lan IP address:,fd00::a02:101/112

Connect to the site X server, and create the file /etc/swanctl/conf.d/s2s_psk_siteY.conf :

cat > /etc/swanctl/conf.d/s2s_psk_siteY.conf <<EOL
connections {
	conn-s2s_psk_siteY {
		version = 2
		send_cert = ifasked
		encap = yes
		rekey_time = 86400s
		dpd_delay = 15s
		proposals = aes256-sha256-ecp256
		remote_addrs = Y.Y.Y.Y

		local {
			auth = psk
			certs = serverCert.pem
			id = X.X.X.X
		remote {
			auth = psk
			id = Y.Y.Y.Y
		children {
			child-s2s_psk_siteY {
				local_ts  =,::/0
				remote_ts =,fd00::a02:101/112
				start_action = trap
				esp_proposals = aes256-sha256
				rekey_time = 28800s
				dpd_action = restart

secrets {
	ike-s2s_psk_siteY {
		secret = StrongSecret
		id-0 = X.X.X.X
		id-1 = Y.Y.Y.Y

reload strongswan to apply

swanctl --load-all --noprompt

Connect to the site Y server, and create the file /etc/swanctl/conf.d/s2s_psk_siteX.conf :

cat > /etc/swanctl/conf.d/s2s_psk_siteX.conf <<EOL
connections {
	conn-s2s_psk_siteX {
		version = 2
		send_cert = ifasked
		encap = yes
		rekey_time = 86400s
		dpd_delay = 15s
		proposals = aes256-sha256-ecp256
		remote_addrs = X.X.X.X

		local {
			auth = psk
			certs = serverCert.pem
			id = Y.Y.Y.Y
		remote {
			auth = psk
			id = X.X.X.X
		children {
			child-s2s_psk_siteX {
				local_ts  =,::/0
				remote_ts =,fd00::a01:101/112
				start_action = trap
				esp_proposals = aes256-sha256
				rekey_time = 28800s
				dpd_action = restart

secrets {
	ike-s2s_psk_siteX {
		secret = StrongSecret
		id-0 = Y.Y.Y.Y
		id-1 = X.X.X.X

reload strongswan to apply

swanctl --load-all --noprompt

You can now ping server Y Lan from server X, this will automatically bring up the connection.
Or you can do it manually using this command from server X :

sudo swanctl --initiate --ike conn-s2s_psk_siteY

  • How do i update my running container to the latest ye3ipsec image without losing my container data ?

The folder /etc/swanctl is persistent, and won't be deleted by a docker rm. You can find its path on the host using this command :

docker inspect -f '{{ json .Mounts }}' myipsec | jq

Now you can stop and delete the container. Update the image.

# Stop and delete the container
docker stop myipsec && docker rm myipsec

# Update the image
docker pull palw3ey/ye3ipsec

You have 2 methods to mount the folder to your new container : use bind or volume.

Bind method :

# Run the container, adding this option

Volume method, i recommend this method :

# Create a volume named myipsec_volume
docker volume create myipsec_volume

# get its path
docker volume inspect myipsec_volume -f '{{ .Mountpoint }}'

# copy your host old /etc/swanctl content to myipsec_volume
sudo cp -a /var/lib/docker/volumes/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/_data/. /var/lib/docker/volumes/myipsec_volume/_data/

# finally start your container, adding this option
--mount source=myipsec_volume,target=/etc/swanctl


To run through GNS3, download and import the appliance : ye3ipsec.gns3a

How to connect the docker container in the GNS3 topology ?

Drag and drop the device in the topology. Right click on the device and select "Edit config".
If you want a static configuration, uncomment the lines just below # Static config for eth0 or otherwise # DHCP config for eth0 for a dhcp configuration. Click "Save".
Add a link to connect the device to a switch or router. Finally, right click on the device, select "Start".
To see the output, right click "Console".
To type commands, right click "Auxiliary console".

Environment Variables

These are the env variables and their default values.

variables format default description
Y_LANGUAGE text fr_FR Language. The list is in the folder /i18n
Y_DEBUG yes/no no yes, to show charon messages
Y_IGNORE_CONFIG yes/no no yes, to not apply file changes in the /etc/swanctl folder. A good option if you use a custom /etc/swanctl folder mounted from outside
Y_PORT_ESP port number 50 esp port
Y_PORT_AH port number 51 ah port
Y_PORT_IKE port number 500 ike port
Y_PORT_NAT port number 4500 nat-t port
Y_SERVER_CERT_CN IP address or domain name if not set, will attempt to detect and use the public ip address otherwise the first local ip address CN value to use for the server certificate
Y_SERVER_CERT_DN text "C=FR, ST=Ile-de-France, L=Paris, O=IPSec, OU=Example" DN value to add to the server certificate
Y_SERVER_CERT_DAYS integer 3650 number of days before expiration, for CA and Server certificate
Y_PROPOSALS_PHASE1 cipher suite "aes256-sha256-ecp256, aes256gcm16-sha384-prfsha384-ecp384, aes256-sha256-modp2048, aes256-sha256-modp1024, aes256-sha1-modp1024, 3des-sha1-modp1024, des-sha1-modp1024" cipher suites to use for phase 1. Note that by default some weak cipher are present in the list, you should narrow the list to strong ones. If supported by the client
Y_PROPOSALS_PHASE2 cipher suite "aes256-sha256, aes256gcm16-ecp384, aes256-sha1, 3des-sha1, des-sha1" cipher suites to use for phase 2. Note that by default some weak cipher are present in the list, you should narrow the list to strong ones. If supported by the client
Y_REKEY_PHASE1 text 86400s rekey time for phase 1
Y_REKEY_PHASE2 text 28800s rekey time for phase 2
Y_DPD_DELAY text 15s delay for dead peer detection
Y_DPD_ACTION text restart action to take on dead peer detection timeout
Y_LOCAL_SELFCERT yes/no yes yes, to use self-signed certificates to identify the VPN server. If set to no, you need to provide 3 files... the CA : /etc/swanctl/x509ca/chain.pem the certificate : /etc/swanctl/x509/cert.pem the private key : /etc/swanctl/private/privkey.pem The same files provided by Let's Encrypt.
Y_LOCAL_ID text if not set, will be equal to Y_SERVER_CERT_CN IKE identity for the VPN server
Y_LOCAL_SUBNET text ", ::/0" local traffic selectors
Y_REMOTE_SUBNET text dynamic remote traffic selectors
Y_POOL_DHCP yes/no no yes, to set the pool to dhcp and give clients an ip address from an external dhcp server. You need to specify the dhcp server. see Y_DHCP_SERVER
Y_POOL_IPV6_ENABLE yes/no yes yes, to give clients IPv6 address
Y_POOL_IPV4 IP Address, and mask IPv4 address pool for the clients
Y_POOL_IPV6 IPv6 Address, and mask fd00::c0a8:101/120 IPv6 address pool for the clients
Y_POOL_DNS4 IP Address "," IPv4 DNS for the clients, primary and secondary, default are Cloudflare and Google
Y_POOL_DNS6 IPv6 Address "2606:4700:4700::1111, 2001:4860:4860::8888" IPv6 DNS for the clients, primary and secondary, default are Cloudflare and Google
Y_FIREWALL_ENABLE yes/no no yes, to enable the firewall settings
Y_FIREWALL_INTERCLIENT yes/no yes yes, to allow clients to talk to each other
Y_FIREWALL_LAN yes/no yes yes, to allow client to communicate to lan address :,,, fc00::/7
Y_FIREWALL_INTERNET yes/no yes yes, to allow client to communicate with internet
Y_CERT_ENABLE yes/no yes yes, to activate the RA (remote access) IKEv2 Certificate profile
Y_CERT_DAYS integer 365 RA IKEv2 Certificate profile : How long to certify for
Y_CERT_REMOTE_ID text RA IKEv2 Certificate profile : remote identity
Y_CERT_CN text (randomly generated, if not set) RA IKEv2 Certificate profile : CN of the client certificate
Y_CERT_PASSWORD password (randomly generated, if not set) RA IKEv2 Certificate profile : password of the client p12 certificate file (/etc/swanctl/pkcs12/clientCert.p12)
Y_EAP_ENABLE yes/no yes yes, to activate the RA (remote access) IKEv2 EAP profile
Y_EAP_REMOTE_AUTH text eap-mschapv2 RA IKEv2 EAP profile : remote authentication method
Y_EAP_REMOTE_EAP_ID text %any RA IKEv2 EAP profile : remote eap identity
Y_EAP_USERNAME text (randomly generated, if not set) RA IKEv2 EAP profile : remote username
Y_EAP_PASSWORD password (randomly generated, if not set) RA IKEv2 EAP profile : remote password
Y_EAP_USERS text RA IKEv2 EAP profile : list of remote username:password separated by a blank space. eg: "emily:123789 elisabeth:987456"
Y_PSK_ENABLE yes/no yes yes, to activate the RA (remote access) IKEv2 PSK profile
Y_PSK_LOCAL_ID text (randomly generated, if not set) RA IKEv2 PSK profile : local identity
Y_PSK_REMOTE_ID text (randomly generated, if not set) RA IKEv2 PSK profile : remote identity
Y_PSK_SECRET password (randomly generated, if not set) RA IKEv2 PSK profile : shared secret
Y_XAUTH_PSK_ENABLE yes/no no yes, to activate the RA (remote access) IKEv1 XAUTH PSK profile
Y_XAUTH_PSK_AGGRESSIVE yes/no yes RA IKEv1 XAUTH PSK profile : yes, to enable aggressive mode. (use no, for main mode)
Y_XAUTH_PSK_REMOTE_AUTH text xauth RA IKEv1 XAUTH PSK profile : remote authentication method
Y_XAUTH_PSK_LOCAL_ID text (randomly generated, if not set) RA IKEv1 XAUTH PSK profile : local identity
Y_XAUTH_PSK_REMOTE_ID text (randomly generated, if not set) RA IKEv1 XAUTH PSK profile : remote identity
Y_XAUTH_PSK_SECRET password (randomly generated, if not set) RA IKEv1 XAUTH PSK profile : shared secret
Y_XAUTH_PSK_USERNAME text (randomly generated, if not set) RA IKEv1 XAUTH PSK profile : remote username
Y_XAUTH_PSK_PASSWORD password (randomly generated, if not set) RA IKEv1 XAUTH PSK profile : remote password
Y_XAUTH_RSA_ENABLE yes/no no yes, to activate the RA (remote access) IKEv1 XAUTH RSA profile. The client p12 certificate is the same generated by Y_CERT_DAYS, Y_CERT_CN and Y_CERT_PASSWORD : /etc/swanctl/pkcs12/clientCert.p12
Y_XAUTH_RSA_AGGRESSIVE yes/no no RA IKEv1 XAUTH RSA profile : yes, to enable aggressive mode. (use no, for main mode)
Y_XAUTH_RSA_REMOTE_AUTH text xauth RA IKEv1 XAUTH RSA profile : remote authentication method
Y_XAUTH_RSA_USERNAME text (randomly generated, if not set) RA IKEv1 XAUTH RSA profile : remote username
Y_XAUTH_RSA_PASSWORD password (randomly generated, if not set) RA IKEv1 XAUTH RSA profile : remote password
Y_S2S_PSK_ENABLE yes/no no yes, to activate the S2S (site to site) IKEv2 PSK profile
Y_S2S_PSK_LOCAL_ADDRS IP address or domain S2S IKEv2 PSK profile : local address
Y_S2S_PSK_REMOTE_ADDRS IP address or domain S2S IKEv2 PSK profile : remote address
Y_S2S_PSK_LOCAL_TS IP Address, and mask S2S IKEv2 PSK profile : local traffic selectors
Y_S2S_PSK_REMOTE_TS IP Address, and mask S2S IKEv2 PSK profile : remote traffic selectors
Y_S2S_PSK_START_ACTION text trap S2S IKEv2 PSK profile : start action
Y_S2S_PSK_LOCAL_ID text (randomly generated, if not set) S2S IKEv2 PSK profile : local identity
Y_S2S_PSK_REMOTE_ID text (randomly generated, if not set) S2S IKEv2 PSK profile : remote identity
Y_S2S_PSK_SECRET password (randomly generated, if not set) S2S IKEv2 PSK profile : shared secret
Y_S2S_RSA_ENABLE yes/no no yes, to activate the S2S (site to site) IKEv2 RSA profile
Y_S2S_RSA_LOCAL_ADDRS IP address or domain S2S IKEv2 RSA profile : local address
Y_S2S_RSA_REMOTE_ADDRS IP address or domain S2S IKEv2 RSA profile : remote address
Y_S2S_RSA_LOCAL_CERTS file path S2S IKEv2 RSA profile : local certificate. Y_S2S_RSA_LOCAL_ID must be set, otherwise will be ignored and will use the server selfsigned certifate by default.
Y_S2S_RSA_LOCAL_ID text S2S IKEv2 RSA profile : local identity. Y_S2S_RSA_LOCAL_CERTS must be set, otherwise will be ignored and will use the server selfsigned id by default.
Y_S2S_RSA_REMOTE_CERTS file path S2S IKEv2 RSA profile : remote certificate
Y_S2S_RSA_REMOTE_ID text S2S IKEv2 RSA profile : remote identity
Y_S2S_RSA_LOCAL_TS IP address, with mask S2S IKEv2 RSA profile : local traffic selectors
Y_S2S_RSA_REMOTE_TS IP address, with mask S2S IKEv2 RSA profile : remote traffic selectors
Y_S2S_RSA_START_ACTION text trap S2S IKEv2 RSA profile : start action
Y_REVOCATION_LOAD yes/no yes yes, to activate revocation plugin
Y_REVOCATION_ENABLE_CRL yes/no yes REVOCATION : yes, to enable crl
Y_REVOCATION_ENABLE_OCSP yes/no yes REVOCATION : yes, to enable ocsp
Y_RADIUS_LOAD yes/no no yes, to activate radius plugin
Y_RADIUS_CLASS_GROUP yes/no no RADIUS : yes, to enable class group
Y_RADIUS_ACCOUNTING yes/no no RADIUS : yes, to enable radius accounting
Y_RADIUS_ADDRESS IP address RADIUS : IP address of the radius server
Y_RADIUS_SECRET text testing123 RADIUS : secret password to connect to the radius server
Y_RADIUS_AUTH_PORT port number 1812 RADIUS : authentication port
Y_RADIUS_ACCT_PORT port number 1813 RADIUS : accounting port
Y_RADIUS_DAE_ENABLE yes/no no RADIUS : yes, to enable dae (Dynamic Authorization Extensions). If you need coa (Change-of-Authorization)
Y_RADIUS_DAE_LISTEN IP address DAE : IP address to listen for requests
Y_RADIUS_DAE_PORT port number 3799 DAE : Port to listen for requests
Y_RADIUS_DAE_SECRET password testing123 DAE : shared secret
Y_DHCP_FORCE_SERVER_ADDRESS yes/no no DHCP : yes, to enable force server address
Y_DCHP_IDENTITY_LEASE yes/no no DHCP : yes, to enable identity lease
Y_DHCP_SERVER IP address DHCP : IP address of the dhcp server
Y_FARP_LOAD yes/no yes yes, to activate farp plugin
Y_FORECAST_LOAD yes/no yes yes, to activate forecast plugin
Y_BYPASSLAN_LOAD yes/no no yes, to activate bypasslan plugin


The docker image was compiled to work on these CPU architectures :

  • linux/386
  • linux/amd64
  • linux/arm/v6
  • linux/arm/v7
  • linux/arm64
  • linux/ppc64le
  • linux/s390x

Work on most computers including Raspberry Pi


To customize and create your own images.

git clone https://github.com/palw3ey/ye3ipsec.git
cd ye3ipsec
# Make all your modifications, then :
docker build --no-cache --network=host -t ye3ipsec .
docker run -dt --name my_customized_ipsec ye3ipsec


strongswan man page


name version
ye3ipsec 1.0.2
strongswan 5.9.13
alpine 3.18.4


[1.0.2] - 2024-02-14


  • When Y_SERVER_CERT_CN is not set, entrypoint.sh will auto detect an IP address. But the IP address validation was using a bash syntax, that cause this error : "unknown operand". The fix now use a POSIX syntax.


  • Improvement in the auto detect IP address for Y_SERVER_CERT_CN, if an external ip is not found then will get default route interface ip if exist, before going to the last choice : get first ip returned by the command $(hostname -i)
  • A FAQ in README.md


  • To reduce verbosity, in f_log function, show timestamp and container name only if Y_DEBUG is set to yes.

[1.0.1] - 2024-01-21


  • new env variable : Y_EAP_USERS, to add multiple username and password to RA IKEv2 EAP profile
  • A Changelog in README.md, using this syntax : keepachangelog.com

[1.0.0] - 2023-12-03


  • first release


  • need to document env variables (2024-01-20)
  • add more translation files in i18n folder. Contribute ! Send me your translations by mail ;)

Don't hesitate to send me your contributions, issues, improvements on github or by mail.


author: palw3ey
maintainer: palw3ey
email: palw3ey@gmail.com
website: https://github.com/palw3ey/ye3ipsec
docker hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/palw3ey/ye3ipsec