
Flash cards chrome extensions

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This code can be used to create any Flash Cards Chrome Extension.
Feel free to use it to make your own, or ping me and ask for a particular deck.
(If I think others will be interested and I can get the data, I'm likely to do it.)

How it works:
- Each extension shares common files: popup.html, background.html, and a few PNG files.
- Those files are copied into each extension subfolder via copycommon.sh
- Each extension should define its own: manifest.json, browser_icon.png, icon_128.png, data.js
- The manifest.json should be like the other manifest's except different in title/description.
- The icons should signify the topic somehow, to help in distinguishing the icon on the browser bar.
- The data.js defines two variables: CARDS_PREFIX and CARDS_DATA.
- CARDS_PREFIX should be something like "german-", "capitals-". It is used to prefix localStorage keys.
- CARDS_DATA should be an array of objects describing cards, and each object should have
"id", "category", "question", and "answer" keys. The id should be unique in the deck.
- To easily output that JSON format, create a Google spreadsheet with your data and the columns.
   Example: https://spreadsheets3.google.com/pub?hl=en&hl=en&key=0Ah0xU81penP1cDlwZHdzYWkyaERQYnFFbV9tXzFLZWc&output=html
- Insert this gadget in the spreadsheet, selecting the relevant row/columns as data source:
- Copy and paste the output into data.js