
Mobile Application developed using Java and Firebase

Primary LanguageJava

A mobile application developed using the technologies: Java, Firebase(Realtime), IDE - Android Studio

We have created a fully functional bus ticket reservation system as our 2nd-year 2nd semester Mobile Application Development project. This project has been developed using Android Studio with the technologies Java and Firebase.

The project was developed according to change the current manual bus route and schedule management procedures that are used by several Intercity transport management companies. This system helps such companies to manage their intercity buses and other services. Our system allows to add and manage all bus routes of the company, manage buses and bus trip schedules by using only the mobile phone. And the special function of this system is that customers can reserve their bus trips staying home.

Project Report: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1U9lhb-cN-6k-6J0vKpmtIPL0duBdu099/view?usp=sharing