A v2ray docker image work with nginx for Arukas.
- v2ray work with websocket
- v2ray request proxy_pass by nginx
- custom v2ray settings
- add environment variables to edit optional setting
- CLIENT_ID (default f3c9cb27-746f-4e41-acf2-820bd3002676)
- CLIENT_ALTERID (default 100)
- CLIENT_WSPATH (default /fuckgfw_letscrossgfw)
- VER (default 3.14)
- don't need custom domain and ssl certificate
- only cost 1 pods
USE: deploy this image and add default secure route with port 8080 in arukas
- path to v2ray: https://your.domain/fuckgfw_letscrossgfw
- path to websites: /usr/share/nginx/html/