Playbook to install standard tools I use on my workstations (Ubuntu and Mac)
Ansible, you can install by running the command:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass -e user=$USER playbook.yaml
or if you wish to use one aspect of the roles you can use the appropriate tags, eg:
ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass -e user=$USER playbook.yaml --tags kubernetes
todo: tags are not properly set everywhere so may not work as selectors
- argo
- aws
- azure
- brave
- cert_manager
- copper
- datree
- docker CE
- doctl
- firewall
- gcp
- git
- gittyleaks
- hadolint
- pre-commit
- git-secrets
- trufflehog
- git-config
- git-hooks
- git-ignore
- github
- helm-charts
- k6s
- keepassxc
- kind
- kube_bench
- kube_hunter
- kube_linter
- kubectl
- kubernetes-resource-advisor
- kubeshark
- kubesquash
- logcli
- open_lens
- open policy agent
- pcloud
- stern
- syncthing
- teleport
- telepresence
- terraform
- tilt
- velero
- vscode
- wireguard
- zsh