
A FastAPI application that can be used to extract features from a given data set using the Featuretools framework.

Primary LanguagePython

Get_Features FastAPI Application

A FastAPI application that can be used to extract features from a given data set using the Featuretools framework.

Table of Contents


This repository contains the Get_Features FastAPI application, which is designed to extract features from a provided dataset using the Featuretools framework. The application offers a set of API endpoints that allow users to perform feature extraction and retrieve the resulting features in a structured format. The API comes with unit testing to ensure the API is operating promptly and log configuration to monitor the API.

Getting Started


The required packages are listed inside the requirements.txt file.


After downloading or cloning all the files, launch Visual Studio Code and change directory (cd) to the downloaded folder. In Visual Studio Code terminal, run the below:

1. Create a virtual environment and activate it:

python -m venv getfeatures
.\getfeatures\Scripts\activate  # (On Windows)

2. Build Docker image and run the container

docker build -t get_features_app .
docker run -p 80:80 get_features_app


After starting the container, you can start consuming the API:

  • Check the API Documentation by browsing to at http://localhost/docs Here you can also consume the API endpoints, or you can use Postman client instead.
  • In Docker Terminal, run the following command to run the unit tests. It should return 2 passed tests.
    pytest test_main.py
  • In Docker Files, you can see the log file inside the ''app'' folder (/app/app.log). The requests that the API received are kept here.

Helpful Screenshots



