
Willie is a web game intended to help Northwestern University's new International students, and Prospective students to know about Northwestern University in an interesting way. The game also has a multiplayer feature to allow students to interact with one another.


Willie is a web game intended to help Northwestern University's new International students, and Prospective students to know about Northwestern University in an interesting way. The game also has a multiplayer feature to allow students to interact with one another.

How is works

Signup using Email and Password
Upload a Profile picture and Select class standing
Proceed to the game and wait for other players
Communicate with other players on which games to play (choose from the 4 provided)

Languages Used

HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript

Database Used

Google Firebase Cloud Firestore


Google Firebase Hosting

Screenshots of the App

w1 w2 w3 w4 w5 w6 w7 w8 w9 w10 w11 w12 W13 w14

Source code coming soon, visit https://panashe-muriro-portfolio.web.app/ for more information