
Main Panax Documentation

Primary LanguageJavaScript




Panax is a framework for generation of business applications based on solid relational data models.

A detailed configuration-driven approach allows a high customization level and complex business-rules.

Every change is reflected immediately in the resulting app, allowing agile prototyping.

Panax' aim is to be agnostic of database vendor, backend and user interface, exploiting state-of-the-art technologies, like Node.js and AngularJS, and allowing high extensibility.

Panax SOA use-cases

See: Wiki:Panax' Service-oriented Architecture

See: Wiki:Panax' Dataflow


Full API documentation available in: http://panax.readme.io/


PanaxDB is the core technology of Panax, which is an enhancement layer (add-on) for your relational database.

It provides an API to interact with the database adding several super powers:

  • Advanced scaffolding
  • Metadata heuristics
  • Automation capabilities
  • Configuration over coding
  • .. among others

More info: Wiki:PanaxDB

Panax Entity

A Panax Entity consist of 3 parts:

  1. Fields: Contain all the columns' related metadata.
  2. Layout: UI representation: order, grouping, displaying, etc.
  3. Data: Data model itself.

Example call:

getXmlData @TableName='Employee', @ControlType=formView, @Mode=readonly,
           @Filters='Id=377', @output='json', @getStructure=1, @getData=1

Example XML output:

<Employee ...>
    <Id fieldName="Id" Column_Name="Id" isPrimaryKey="1" isIdentity="1" dataType="int" length="10" isNullable="0" supportsInsert="1" supportsUpdate="1" headerText="Id" controlType="default" />
    <Name fieldName="Name" Column_Name="Name" isPrimaryKey="0" isIdentity="0" dataType="nvarchar" length="30" isNullable="0" supportsInsert="1" supportsUpdate="1" headerText="Name" controlType="default" />
    <Joined fieldName="Joined" Column_Name="Joined" isPrimaryKey="0" isIdentity="0" dataType="date" isNullable="0" supportsInsert="1" supportsUpdate="1" headerText="Join Date" controlType="date" />
      <px:tab name="General">
        <px:field fieldName="Name" />
      <px:tab name="Details">
        <px:field fieldName="Joined" />
      <Id value="377" text="377" />
      <Name value="John Doe" text="John Doe" />
      <Joined value="2014-06-08 00:00:00" text="08/06/2014" />
      <Id value="455" text="455" />
      <Name value="Sarah Connor" text="Sarah Connor" />
      <Joined value="2034-01-01 00:00:00" text="01/01/2034" />

Example UI output with ExtJS:

[coming soon]

Example UI output with AngularJS:

[coming soon]

Implicit business rules

Data model has implicit business rules that can be defined with a combination of the following features:

  • Relationships (1-1, 1-N, N-M)
  • Data Types (str, int, custom made, etc)
  • Properties (nullable, primary keys, unique keys, descriptions, extended, etc)

Panax' heuristics detect this metadata and adapts the entity model accordingly.


[coming soon]

Explicit business rules

Explicit business rules can be defined via:

  1. Panax Configurations applied to entities
  2. Programmability at database level (constraints, triggers, etc)

Panax Configurations (config procedure)

XPath-like configurations to change XML output


> panax db config...........


JavaScript abstraction module used primarly by PanaxUI to communicate with PanaxDB


User interface modules for Panax

More info: Wiki:PanaxUI

Backend (Node.js API)


Frontend (AngularJS GUI)



Command-line interface


See: Wiki: PanaxCLI Usage


Panax Jargon

Old New proposal Description
Field Database Column
Table Database Table
Schema Database Schema
Instance Database Instance
Catalog Entity A consumable database unit. Expressed as: [InstanceName.][SchemaName.]TableName
Metadata Implicit and explicit information about an Entity
Fields Metadata form Entity' fields
Layout An ordered representation (ex. form, grid) from Entity' fields
Structure Combination of Entity' Fields + Layout
Data DataModel? Actual data from Entity' fields
Mode A way to interact with a Catalog Entity
ControlType A representation (ex. graphical) of an Catalog Entity or a Field